rvs 0.5.0

A library for defining and evaluating random variables using a simple DSL
# Rvs

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Rvs is a C API library for defining and evaluating random variables using a
simple DSL (Domain Specific Language).

## Examples

// An enumeration defintion with implicit value members.
enum Command {

// A variable that yields the repeating pattern: 2, 0, 1, 0
pattern = Pattern(

// A variable that yields random values in the range [0, 7] inclusive
range = [0, 7];

// A variable that yields random values in the set {0, 1, 2}.  Yielded values
// are added back to the set.
sample_with_replacement = r{

// A variable that yields random values in the set {0, 1, 2}.  Yielded values
// are removed from the set.  After all values have been yielded, the set is
// repopulated.
sample_without_replacement = {

// A variable that yields weighted random values `0` 40% of the time, `1` 50%
// of the time, and `2` 10% of the time.
weighted_sample_with_replacement = r{
    40: Command::Read,
    50: Command::Write,
    10: Command::Erase,

// A variable that randomly yields values from a pool of 40 `0`s, 50 `1`s, and
// 10 `2`s.  Yielded values are removed from the pool.  The pool is
// re-populated after all values have been yielded.
weighted_sample_without_replacement = {
    40: Command::Read,
    50: Command::Write,
    10: Command::Erase,

## License

Licensed under either of

* [Apache License, Version 2.0]LICENSE-APACHE
* [MIT license]LICENSE-MIT

at your option.

### Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall
be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

## Feature Status

* [ ] Expr features
  * [x] `next()`
  * [x] `prev()`
  * [x] `done()`
  * [ ] `reset()`
  * [x] `Display`

* [x] Parse from string
  * [x] Parse from file
  * [x] Parsing error reporting
  * [x] Overriding existing variable definitions

  * [x] `rvs_context_new()`
  * [x] `rvs_context_free()`
  * [x] `rvs_seed()`
  * [x] `rvs_parse()`
  * [x] `rvs_get()`
  * [x] `rvs_next()`
  * [x] `rvs_done()`
  * [x] `rvs_prev()`
  * [ ] `rvs_reset()`
  * [x] `rvs_write_definitions()`

* Grammar
  * Consructs
    * [x] Variables
    * [x] Enums
      * [x] Implicit values E.g. `enum Enum { Value, }`
      * [x] Explicit values E.g. `enum Enum { Value = 0, }`
      * [x] Use of enum members E.g. `enum Enum { Value = 0, } a =
        Enum::Value` expands to `a = 0`
      * [x] Use of enum types E.g. `enum Enum { Value0, Value1, } a =
        Sample(Enum)` expands to `a = Sample(0, 1)`
    * [ ] Structs
  * Types
    * Meta Types
      * [x] Next - Returns the next value of a variable. Syntax: `<identifier>`
      * [x] Copy - Returns a copy of a variable. Syntax: `<identifier>.copy`
      * [x] Prev - Returns the last value of a variable. Syntax:
      * [x] Done - Forces the sub expression to indicate done on every next.
            Syntax: `<expr>.done`
      * [x] Once - Forces the sub expression to be evaluated once. Syntax:
      * [x] Expand - Returns all evaluations of the expression until done.
            Syntax: `Expand(<expr>)` OR `Expand(<expr>, <count-expr>)`
    * Random Types
      * [x] Range - Returns a random value in the range [<lower>, <upper>]
            inclusive.  Syntax: `[<lower>, <upper>]`
      * [x] Weighted/non-weighted sampling with/without replacement
        * [x] Weighted sampling with replacement. Syntax: `r{<weight>: <expr>, ...}`
          * [x] Select new sub-expression only when current sub-expression is done
        * [x] Non-weighted sampling with replacement. Syntax: `r{<expr>, ...}`
          * [x] Select new sub-expression only when current sub-expression is done
        * [x] Weighted sampling without replacement. Syntax: `{<weight>: <expr>, ...}`
          * [x] Select new sub-expression only when current sub-expression is done
        * [x] Non-weighted sampling without replacement. Syntax: `{<expr>, ...}`
          * [x] Select new sub-expression only when current sub-expression is done
    * Misc Types
      * [x] Pattern - Returns sub-expressions in order.  Syntax:
            `Pattern(<expr>, ...)`
            * [x] Select new sub-expression only when current sub-expression is done
      * [x] Loop/Sequence - Returns a sequnce of numbers.  Syntax:
            `Sequence(<count>)` OR
            `Sequence(<offset>, <count>)` OR
            `Sequence(<offset>, <increment>, <count>)`
    * Operators
      * Arithmetic operators
        * [x] +, -
        * [x] *, /
        * [x] %
      * Bitwise operators
        * [x] &, |, ^
        * [x] <<, >>
        * [x] ~
      * [x] Doneness for operators.  Done when both operands have indicated
            done at least once.
  * [x] Whitespace
  * [x] Comments
  * [x] Require/Include/Import/Etc
    * [x] Import is idempotent
    * [ ] Search path - Key value pair E.g. 'key0=/a/b/c:key1=/d/e/f'.
      * [ ] Key relative paths E.g. `::key0::path::file => '/a/b/c/path/file.rvs'`
      * [x] Precendence path E.g. `path::file` => ['/a/b/c/path/file.rvs', '/d/e/f/path/file.rvs']
    * [x] Source relative path E.g. a `import fileb` in `filea` becomes `$(dirname filea)/fileb.rvs`
    * [x] Simplified naming E.g. `path::file` instead of `'path/file.rvs'`
  * [ ] Filename in errors
  * [x] Line numbers in errors

### Extra

* Optimizations
  * [ ] Convert `HashMap<String, Box<Expr>>` to `HashMap<&str, Box<Expr>>`
  * [x] Replace `RangeInclusive` with
* [x] Separate into multiple crates
  * [x] Rvs Library - rvs
  * [x] DSL (Grammar/Parser, AST) - rvs-parser
  * [x] Interactive binary - rvs-repl
  * [x] C-API - rvs-capi
* [ ] Implement the `Iterator` trait
* [x] Use released version of rand
* [x] Use monomorphized Rng instead of a trait object.  Can make generic or a type.
* [ ] Add source information to transform errors