rvn 0.1.1

A CLI tool for interacting with Maven repositories & artifacts
extern crate clap;

use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand};
use rvn::{MavenCoordinates};

fn main() {
    let matches = App::new("raven")
        .author("Sebastian Mandrean <sebastian.mandrean@gmail.com>")
        .about("A CLI tool for interacting with Maven repositories & artifacts")
            .about("Prints checksum of Maven artifact")
            .arg(Arg::with_name("Maven coordinates")
                .help("Maven coordinates of artifact")
                .help("cryptographic hash algorithm")
            .help("Maven repository URL")

    let repository = matches.value_of("repository").unwrap();

    match matches.subcommand() {
        ("checksum", Some(checksum_matches)) => {
            let algorithm = checksum_matches.value_of("algorithm").unwrap();
            let coordinates = checksum_matches.value_of("Maven coordinates").unwrap();
            let checksum = MavenCoordinates::parse(coordinates).unwrap().fetch_checksum(repository, algorithm).unwrap();
            println!("{}", checksum);
        ("", None) => println!("No subcommand was used"),
        _ => unreachable!(),