rutie 0.5.4

The tie between Ruby and Rust.
# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
for the public APIs. `rubysys`, even though shared publicly, is considered a private
API and may have breaking changes during a teeny version change.

## [Unreleased]

## [0.5.4] - 2019-04-15
### Added
- `GC::adjust_memory_usage`, thanks to @Antti
- `examples/rutie_ruby_gvl_example`, thanks to @dsander
- `GC::count`
- `GC::disable`
- `GC::enable`
- `GC::force_recycle`
- `GC::mark_locations`
- `GC::mark_maybe`
- `GC::register`
- `GC::start`
- `GC::stat`
- `GC::unregister`
- `util::inmost_rb_object` which is a string recurse tool to get nested ruby objects

### Fixed
- `GC::mark` documentation notes.
- `util::closure_to_ptr` from `'static + FnOnce` to `FnMut`, thanks to @dsander
- `Thread::new` from `'static + FnOnce` to `FnMut`, thanks to @dsander
- `Thread::call_without_gvl` from `'static + FnOnce` to `FnMut`, thanks to @dsander
- `Thread::call_without_gvl2` from `'static + FnOnce` to `FnMut`, thanks to @dsander
- `Thread::call_with_gvl` from `'static + FnOnce` to `FnMut`, thanks to @dsander
- `AnyException::new` to work with nested exception classes

## [0.5.3] - 2019-01-10
### Added
- `util::is_proc` & `util::is_method`
- `rb_enc_compatible` useful for internal string encoding compatibilty checks from
  which we now have `binding::is_compatible_encoding` and `binding::compatible_encoding`
- `RString.compatible_with` as the public API for `rb_enc_compatible` with trait `EncodingSupport`
- `RString::compatible_encoding` as the public API for `rb_enc_compatible` with trait `EncodingSupport`
- `impl Deref for AnyException`
- `impl Deref for AnyObject`
- `impl Borrow<Value> for AnyObject`
- `impl Borrow<Value> for AnyException`
- `impl AsRef<Value> for AnyObject`
- `impl AsRef<Value> for AnyException`
- `impl AsRef<AnyObject> for AnyObject`
- `impl AsRef<AnyException> for AnyException`
- `impl<T: Object> From<&T> for AnyObject`

### Changed
- Removed Ruby 2.3 support & added 2.6
- `VM::raise_ex` now accepts `Into<AnyException>` rather than just `AnyException`
- Refactor internal encoding types
- Refactor `` script to use Ruby provided cflags

### Removed
- pkg-config-rs removed from Rutie and from the build process

## [0.5.2] - 2018-12-18
### Added
- `impl Into<i32> for Integer` thanks to @Antti
- `Integer.to_i32`, thanks to @Antti
- `Fixname.to_i32`, thanks to @Antti

### Fixed
- `Integer.to_i64` to use `rb_num2long` for genuine `i64` result, thanks to @Antti
- `impl Into<i64> for Integer` to use `rb_num2long` for genuine `i64` result, thanks to @Antti
- `Fixname.to_i64` to use `rb_num2long` for genuine `i64` result, thanks to @Antti

## [0.5.1] - 2018-12-11
### Added
- Windows build support (partially working)
- Mac static build support, thanks to @felix-d
- Rutie pronunciation guide

## [0.5.0] - 2018-10-23
### Changed
- `CodepointIterator` now borrows RString parameter instead of consuming ownership

## [0.4.3] - 2018-10-23
### Fixed
- `RString.codepoints` uses a new internal implementation as `rb_str_codepoints` isn't exported/available on some OSes

## [0.4.2] - 2018-10-16
### Fixed
- Wrapping struct changed from Ruru to Rutie & some of the same changes in documentation, thanks to @turboladen

## [0.4.1] - 2018-10-04
### Added
- Static build support

## [0.4.0] - 2018-08-20
### Added
- Methods `VM::yield_object` and `VM::yield_splat`
- `Enumerator` object
- `Array.to_enum`
- `TryConvert` for `AnyException`
- `VM::error_info` and `VM::clear_error_info`
- Documentation for `VM::protect`
- `Binding`
- `Into<Value>` for all types which `impl Object`
- `Into<AnyObject>` for all types which `impl Object`
- `From<i64>` and `Into<i64>` for `Integer`
- `From<&'static str>` for `RString`
- `eval!()` macro with `binding, filename, linenum` for *optional* arguments
- `rubysys::rproc::check_arity` for simple numeric bounds checking
- `Symbol.to_proc`
- `Proc.is_lambda`

### Changed
- `Object.protect_send` and `Object.protect_public_send` have changed the
  first parameter from requiring `String` to `&str`
- `VM::protect` returns `Result<AnyObject, i32>` rather than `Result<Value, i32>`
- `PartialEq` is now implemented for Ruby objects via the `==` method

## [0.3.4] - 2018-08-08
### Added
- This `` file
- Method `RString.codepoints`
- `CodepointIterator` which uses direct ruby calls to get character value
  from bytes as determeined by the strings own `Encoding` and produces
  them one at a time
- `binding::new_frozen` for internal use with `CodepointIterator`
- `rubysys::string::{rstring_embed_len, rstring_ptr, rstring_end}` to
  match equivelant Ruby C macros for use in `CodepointIterator`

### Changed
- `rubysys::rb_str_len` renamed to `rubysys::rstring_len` to match the name
  of the Ruby C macro which it is a copy of

### Fixed
- `rubysys::string::{RStringAs, RStringHeap, RStringAux}` to match Ruby's
  C code implementation perfectly

### Removed
- CI testing for Rust 1.25 as pointer addition wasn't stable until 1.26

## [0.3.3] - 2018-08-07
### Added
- Full encoding support with `VM::init_loadpath`, `RString.encode`,
- `RString::from_bytes` which takes both a byte sequence for characters
  and an `Encoding` object to interpret how to get those characters from bytes
- Documentation about what to try if binary installs of Ruby panic on CI
- `rubysys::encoding::{coderange_set, coderange_clear}` and encoding flags
- `EncodingIndex` type for internal use in the `binding` layer

### Changed
- Updated code examples to remove deprecated `RString::new` from them
- TravisCI Linux builds now compile all Rubies

## [0.3.2] - 2018-08-03
### Added
- CI server logging for the Rust build process
- Ruby gem `rutie` version 0.0.3
- Documentation for Ruby gem `rutie`
- Build documentation with ``
- Customization options for using `pkg-config`
- Example CLI eval program in examples directory, thanks to @irxground
- `RString::count_chars`, thanks to @irxground

### Changed
- Refactor of `VM::protect`, thanks to @irxground
- Internally use `RString::new_utf8`
- `TryConvert` moved to `src/class/traits/` but still shared in root of crate
- Refactor internal method names for `Value` in `src/rubysys/` to match Ruby source code

### Deprecated
- `RString::new` — use either `RString::new_utf8` or `RString::new_usascii_unchecked`

### Removed
- Use of `fiddle` from examples and documentation

## [0.3.1] - 2018-07-17
### Added
- CI testing for Rust 1.25 for purpose of older match ref syntax

### Changed
- `cargo test` and `cargo build` require the `-vv` flag afterwards in older Rust versions
- refactor `option_to_slice` for Rust 1.25 compatible syntax

## [0.3.0] - 2018-07-17
### Added
- `TryConvert` implicit conversion or `NilClass` result
- `Encoding` and `EncodingSupport`
- `TryConvert` for `RString`
- Majority of Ruby main constants in `src/rubysys/`
- `rubysys::class::{rb_define_singleton_method, rb_scan_args}`
- `rubysys::string::{rb_check_string_type, rb_str_locktmp, rb_str_unlocktmp, is_lockedtmp}`
- `is_frozen` check for `Value` and several Ruby macros for `Value`
- `util::option_to_slice`

### Changed
- Refactor Pathname example in README
- Refactor away `` files from `binding` and `rubysys`
- Refactor away from using heap to stack memory, thanks to @irxground

### Fixed
- A few Ruby `ValueType` flags were incorrect in `rubysys`

## [0.2.2] - 2018-07-07
### Added
- `String#concat`, thanks to @irxground
- Method signatures for all of `rubysys` direct method mappings documented

### Fixed
- `` does not return anything
- Misnamed `rubysys::string` method `rb_str_ascii_only_p` to `rb_enc_str_asciionly_p`

## [0.2.1] - 2018-06-30
### Added
- OSX testing on Travis CI
- `Cargo.toml` badges for Travis CI and maintenance status
- Full README details
- Ruby & Rust examples

## [0.2.0] - 2018-06-26
### Changed
- Migrated `parse_arguments` from `VM` to `util`

## [0.1.4] - 2018-05-25
### Changed
- Refactor build script

## [0.1.3] - 2018-05-25
### Added
- Verbose CI output for Rust
- Set default `pkg-config` path for Ruby

## [0.1.2] - 2018-05-25
### Added
- `pkg-config` support
- Basic migrating from Ruru to Rutie notes

### Changed
- TravisCI testing to not use feature flag

## [0.1.0] - 2018-05-20
### Added
- `Display` and `Debug` traits for `AnyException`

### Changed
- Migrated from `Error` to `AnyException`
- `Object.protect_send`, `Object.protect_public_send`, `Object.try_convert_to`,
  `VM::eval` method signatures changed to return `AnyException` on `Err`
- Macro DSL to have the error types as `AnyException`

### Removed
- Duplicate thread methods from `VM`
- `result::Error`

## [0.0.3] - 2018-05-20
### Added
- Officially forked [Ruru] and renamed
  to `Rutie` with the following Pull Requests merged
  * 79 [eval functions with panic safe implementation]
  * 80 [Module support]
  * 82 [Private method and module function]
  * 87 [Object equality methods]
  * 88 [Protect send: a panic safe feature for Ruby interaction]
  * 89 [allocate -> Class]
  * 93 [Working `Exception` and `AnyException`]
  * 98 [String methods to convert to `&[u8]` and `Vec<u8>`]
- Merged [ruby-sys] into `src/rubysys` with
  the following Pull Requests merged
  * 26 [private method and module method added]
  * 27 [Two additional type data check methods]
  * 28 [Thread specific error setter and getter]
  * 29 [public send]
  * 30 [variadic function support]
  * 33 [Encoding support]