rusty_ulid 0.6.0

Rust ULID (Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier) generation and processing


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This is a Rust implementation of the ULID Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifiers.

This crate requires Rust 1.26 or later because it is supporting u128.

Take a look at the changelog for a detailed list of all changes.


  • lenient parsing of ULID strings as specified in Crockford Base32 Encoding.
  • straight-forward creation of string and binary ULIDs.
  • optional support for monotonic ULIDs.
  • conversion to and from [u8; 16].
  • conversion to and from (u64, u64).
  • conversion to and from u128.


extern crate rusty_ulid;
use rusty_ulid::generate_ulid_string;
use rusty_ulid::generate_ulid_bytes;

// Generate a ULID string
let ulid_string: String = generate_ulid_string();
assert_eq!(ulid_string.len(), 26);

// Generate ULID bytes
let ulid_bytes: [u8; 16] = generate_ulid_bytes();
assert_eq!(ulid_bytes.len(), 16);
extern crate rusty_ulid;
use rusty_ulid::Ulid;

// Generate a ULID
let ulid = Ulid::generate();

// Generate a string for a ULID
let ulid_string = ulid.to_string();

// Create ULID from a string
let result = Ulid::from_str(&ulid_string);

assert_eq!(Ok(ulid), result);
extern crate rusty_ulid;
use rusty_ulid::Ulid;

// Alternative way to parse a ULID string
// This example assumes a function returning a Result.
let ulid: Ulid = "01CAT3X5Y5G9A62FH1FA6T9GVR".parse()?;

let datetime = ulid.datetime();
assert_eq!(datetime.to_string(), "2018-04-11 10:27:03.749 UTC");

Monotonic ULIDs are supported via Ulid::next_monotonic(previous_ulid) -> Ulid and Ulid::next_strictly_monotonic(previous_ulid) -> Option<Ulid>.

next_monotonic allows overflow of the random part to zero while next_strictly_monotonic returns None instead.


Run the benchmarks by executing cargo bench.


Install the executable by executing cargo install or cargo install --force if a prior version was already installed.

rusty_ulid usage examples

Just calling the executable generates a ULID.

$ rusty_ulid

Calling the executable with -v or --verbose generates a ULID and prints its timestamp.

$ rusty_ulid -v
2018-04-14 16:08:33.691 UTC

Calling the executable with any number of ULIDs checks them for validity and returns 0 if they are all fine...

$ rusty_ulid 01CB2EM1J4EMBWRBJK877TM17S 01CB2EMMMV8P51SCR9ZH8K64CX
$ echo $?

... or 1 if any given value is invalid, printing the invalid values to err.

$ rusty_ulid 01CB2EM1J4EMBWRBJK877TM17S foo 01CB2EMMMV8P51SCR9ZH8K64CX
Invalid ULID strings: ["foo"]
$ echo $?

In addition to that, -v or --verbose will print the ULIDs with their respective timestamp.

$ rusty_ulid -v 01CB2EM1J4EMBWRBJK877TM17S foo 01CB2EMMMV8P51SCR9ZH8K64CX
2018-04-14 16:08:14.148 UTC

2018-04-14 16:08:33.691 UTC

Invalid ULID strings: ["foo"]
$ echo $?

Executing rusty_ulid -h will print the help.


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