rusty_sword_arena 1.3.3

Library/repository for the half-day Rust tutorial teaching you how to make a game client in Rust.
name = "rusty_sword_arena"
version = "1.3.3"
authors = ["Nathan Stocks <>"]
description = "Library/repository for the half-day Rust tutorial teaching you how to make a game client in Rust."
documentation = ""
homepage = ""
repository = ""
readme = ""
keywords = ["tutorial", "rusty", "sword", "arena", "learn"]
license = "MIT"
edition = "2018"

# For graphics support 👾 (OpenGL) -- TODO: Switch to rendy
glium = "0.25"
image = "0.21"

# Networking support -- TODO: Switch to grpc or twirp
zmq = "0.9"

# The following three are all so we can send Rust values over the network
# ----
# The core serde APIs, including the Serialize and Deserialize traits.
serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }

# The format we want to serialize to/from.
bincode = "1.0"

# For random numbers! 🎲
rand = "0.6"

# For playing sound 🔊
rusty_audio = "1.1.1"