rusty_gl 0.1.6

Safe thin wrapper for OpenGL using the gl-rs crate
# Rusty GL

Note: This is a work in progress.


## Summary

Very thin wrapper over gl-rs, aiming to make code more "rust-like" and safer, while still allowing the control you have with classic OpenGL code.

# Current features

* Vertex buffer objects
* Vertex array objects
* Shaders
* Texture 2D
* Single-tuple struct such as `VAO(GLuint)` to enforce correct OpenGL object type is passed in functions

# Tuple Struct

Current tuple structs:

* `pub struct VBO(GLuint);` for vertex buffer objects
* `pub struct VAO(GLuint);` for vertex array objects
* `pub struct GLTexture(GLuint);` for texture objects
* `pub struct GLShader(GLuint);` for programs/ shader object

These structs have no implemention (assosiated function), they are just there to enforce that the correct OpenGL functions are passed into functions.
For example:

let mut vao = gl_gen_vertex_array();
gl_bind_buffer(GLTarget::ArrayBuffer, vao);

would not work, as `gl_bind_buffer` expects type `struct VBO(GLuint)`, but vao is of type `VAO(GLuint)`.

# Roadmap

* Framebuffer objects
* More OpenGL functions (Right now there is basically only the minimum!)

# Usage

rusty_gl = "0.1.6"
gl = "0.6.0"

The `gl-rs` create (`gl`) is still needed for certain things such as window proc address and types (eg `GLuint`, `GLfloat` etc)

## Examples

As mentioned above, this crate aims to be a more rust-like alternative to gl-rs.

For example, code from gl-rs such as:

let mut vao = 0;
let mut vbo = 0;

unsafe {
    // Create Vertex Array Object
    gl::GenVertexArrays(1, &mut vao);

    // Create a Vertex Buffer Object and copy the vertex data to it
    gl::GenBuffers(1, &mut vbo);
    gl::BindBuffer(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo);
        (VERTEX_DATA.len() * mem::size_of::<GLfloat>()) as GLsizeiptr,
        gl::FALSE as GLboolean,

Is instead written like

    //Create a vertex array object and a vertex buffer object
    let mut vao = gl_gen_vertex_array();
    let mut vbo = gl_gen_buffer();

    //Generate and bind the VAO

    //Generate and bind the VBO
    gl_bind_buffer(GLTarget::ArrayBuffer, vbo);

    //Buffer the vertex data and tell OpenGL the structure
    gl_buffer_data(GLTarget::ArrayBuffer, &VERTEX_DATA, GLUsage::StaticDraw);
    gl_vertex_attrib_pointer(0, 2, GLType::Float, false, 0);

Changes include:

* snake_case over PascalCase for function names
* No need for the `unsafe {...}` blocks
* Strongly typed enums over the error-prone GLenum (Where you can easily pass the incorrect enum)
* No need to cast types to `std::os::raw::c_void`, rusty-gl will do this for you
* No need to cast string to `std::ffi::CString`, rusty-gl will do this for you

## More examples

Examples on using this crate can be found in the examples folder:

Run the examples with `cargo run`.