[][src]Crate rusty_money

rusty_money handles the messy parts of dealing with money like rounding, precision, parsing and internationalization. It supports ISO-4217 currencies, common crypto currencies and lets you define your own. The main items exported by the library are Money and the iso and crypto currency sets.

The main items exported by the library are Money and the iso and crypto currency sets.


A Money object is created by supplying an amount and a currency. Amounts can be specified in numeric or string types but will be stored as precise decimals internally. You can select a bundled currency or make your own. Here's a quick example of how you would make your own Currency and then create some Money with it:

use rusty_money::{Money, define_currency_set};

  video_game {
    GIL: {
      code: "GIL",
      exponent: 2,
      locale: Locale::EnUs,
      minor_units: 100,
      name: "GIL",
      symbol: "G",
      symbol_first: true,

Money::from_major(2_000, video_game::GIL);              // 2000 GIL
Money::from_minor(200_000, video_game::GIL);            // 2000 GIL
Money::from_str("2,000.00", video_game::GIL).unwrap();  // 2000 GIL
// Currencies can be looked up by code. 
let gil = video_game::find("GIL").unwrap();                        
Money::from_major(2_000, gil);                          // 2000 GIL

Features: Currency Sets

rusty_money provides two currency sets for convenience : iso, which implements ISO-4217 currencies and crypto which implements popular cryptocurencies. iso is enabled by default, and you can add crypto by enabling the feature:

rusty_money = { version = "0.4.0", features = ["iso", "crypto"] }

The currency sets can then be used like this:

use rusty_money::{Money, iso};
Money::from_major(2_000, iso::USD);        // 2000 U.S Dollars
Money::from_major(2_000, iso::GBP);        // 2000 British Pounds

Money objects of the same currency can be compared:

use rusty_money::{Money, iso};

let hundred = Money::from_minor(10_000, iso::USD);
let thousand = Money::from_minor(100_000, iso::USD);
println!("{}", thousand > hundred);     // false
println!("{}", thousand.is_positive()); // true

Precision, Rounding and Math

Money objects are immutable, and operations that change amounts create a new instance of Money. Amounts are stored as 128 bit fixed-precision Decimals, and handle values as large as 296 / 1028. Operations on Money retain the maximum possible precision. When you want less precision, you call the round function, which supports three modes:

Money can be added, subtracted, multiplied and divided like this:

use rusty_money::{Money, Round, iso};

Money::from_minor(100, iso::USD) + Money::from_minor(100, iso::USD);  // 2 USD
Money::from_minor(100, iso::USD) - Money::from_minor(100, iso::USD);  // 0 USD
Money::from_minor(100, iso::USD) * 3;                                 // 3 USD
Money::from_minor(100, iso::USD) / 3;                                 // 0.333... USD

let usd = Money::from_str("-2000.005", iso::USD).unwrap();  // 2000.005 USD
usd.round(2, Round::HalfEven);                              // 2000.00 USD
usd.round(2, Round::HalfUp);                                // 2000.01 USD
usd.round(0, Round::HalfUp);                                // 2000 USD


Calling format! or println! on Money returns a string with a rounded amount, using separators and symbols according to the locale of the currency. If you need to customize this output, the Formatter module accepts a more detailed set of parameters.

use rusty_money::{Money, iso};

let usd = Money::from_str("-2000.009", iso::USD).unwrap();
let eur = Money::from_str("-2000.009", iso::EUR).unwrap();
println!("{}", usd); // -$2,000.01
println!("{}", eur); // -€2.000,01;


The library also provides two additional types - Exchange and ExchangeRates to convert Money from one currency to another.

use rusty_money::{Money, Exchange, ExchangeRate, iso};
use rust_decimal_macros::*;

// Convert 1000 USD to EUR at a 2:1 exchange rate.
let rate = ExchangeRate::new(iso::USD, iso::EUR, dec!(0.5)).unwrap();
rate.convert(Money::from_minor(100_000, iso::USD));                                     // 500 EUR

// An Exchange can be used to store ExchangeRates for later use
let mut exchange = Exchange::new();
exchange.get_rate(iso::USD, iso::EUR);



ISO-4217 Currency Set



Create custom currencies for use with Money types



Stores ExchangeRates for easier access.


Stores rates of conversion between two currencies.


Converts Money objects into human readable strings.


Stores currency formatting metadata for a specific region (e.g. EN-US).


Represents an amount of a given currency.


Group of formatting parameters consumed by Formatter.



Enumerates regions which have unique formatting standards for Currencies.


Standard Error type for this crate.


Items which must be positioned in a Money string.


Strategies that can be used to round Money.



Pre-requisite for a Currency to be accepted by a Money.