rusty-money 0.1.0

Handle currencies in Rust.


Money handles currencies in Rust and helps with rounding, currency tracking and parsing.


The easiest way to create Money is by using the flexible money! macro:

use money::Money;
use money::Currency;

fn main() {
   let hundred_dollars = money!(100, "USD");
   let thousand_dollars = money!("1000", "USD");
   let hundred_pounts = money!(100, "GBP");

Money handles rounding for you based on the properties of the currency:

money = money!("-200.009", "USD");
println!("{:?}", money) // -200.01 USD

You can perform basic operations on money like:

 hundred = money!("100", "USD");
 thousand = money!("1000", "USD")
 println!("{:?}", hundred + thousand)     // 1000 USD
 println!("{:?}", thousand > hundred)     // false
 println!("{:?}", thousand.is_positive()) // true

Currency is still a work in progress, but has hardcoded values for USD and GBP.