rusty-hook 0.4.0

git hook utility
rusty-hook-0.4.0 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: rusty-hook-0.11.2


Git hook utility for Rust codebases that lets you run any script for any git hook.

Functional, but still in Beta!

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We'll add binary releases soon, but for now the best way to install rusty-hook is to use cargo:

cargo install rusty-hook


Run the init command in any git directory to set it up:

rusty-hook init

This will ensure that all of the client side git hooks are available, and it will create a rusty-hook configuration file if one does not already exist.


You define your desired git hook configuration in the rusty-hook configuration file (a TOML file named .rusty-hook.toml or rusty-hook.toml).

Here's an example rusty-hook configuration that leverages multiple git hooks, including the pre-commit and the pre-push hooks:

pre-commit = "cargo test"
pre-push = "cargo fmt -- --check"
post-commit = "echo yay"

verbose = true


Under the [hooks] table, you can add an entry for any and every git hook you want to run by adding a key using the name of the git hook, and then specify the command/script you want to run for that hook. Whenever that git hook is triggered, rusty-hook will run your specified command!


Under the [logging] table, you can control whether to log the output of running your specified hook commands. By default rusty-hook will log the results of your hook script, but you can disable this behavior by setting the verbose key to false:

verbose = false


There's a few other git hook utilities available on, but none of them quite suited our needs so we made rusty-hook!


All contributions are welcome and appreciated! Check out our Contributing Guidelines for more information about opening issues, developing, and more.