rusty-hermit 0.3.54

A Rust-based library operting system
 * First version is derived and adapted for HermitCore from
 * Philipp Oppermann's excellent series of blog posts (
 * and Eric Kidd's toy OS (

	any(target_os = "none", target_os = "hermit"),
	any(target_os = "none", target_os = "hermit"),
	cfg_attr(test, test_runner(crate::test_runner))
	any(target_os = "none", target_os = "hermit"),
	cfg_attr(test, reexport_test_harness_main = "test_main")
#![cfg_attr(any(target_os = "none", target_os = "hermit"), cfg_attr(test, no_main))]

extern crate alloc;
extern crate bitflags;
extern crate log;
extern crate num_derive;
#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "none", target_os = "hermit")))]
extern crate std;
#[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
extern crate aarch64;
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
extern crate x86;

use alloc::alloc::Layout;
use core::alloc::GlobalAlloc;
#[cfg(feature = "smp")]
use core::hint::spin_loop;
#[cfg(feature = "smp")]
use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicU32, Ordering};

use arch::percore::*;
use mm::allocator::LockedHeap;

#[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
use qemu_exit::QEMUExit;

pub use crate::arch::*;
pub use crate::config::*;
pub use crate::syscalls::*;

mod macros;

mod logging;

mod arch;
mod collections;
mod config;
mod console;
mod drivers;
pub mod environment;
mod errno;
mod ffi;
mod kernel_message_buffer;
mod mm;
#[cfg(any(target_os = "none", target_os = "hermit"))]
mod runtime_glue;
mod scheduler;
mod synch;
mod syscalls;
mod util;

pub fn _print(args: ::core::fmt::Arguments<'_>) {
	use core::fmt::Write;

#[cfg(any(target_os = "none", target_os = "hermit"))]
extern "C" fn runtime_entry(_argc: i32, _argv: *const *const u8, _env: *const *const u8) -> ! {
	println!("Executing hermit unittests. Any arguments are dropped");

pub fn test_runner(tests: &[&dyn Fn()]) {
	println!("Running {} tests", tests.len());
	for test in tests {

#[cfg(any(target_os = "none", target_os = "hermit"))]
fn trivial_test() {
	println!("Test test test");
	panic!("Test called");

#[cfg(any(target_os = "none", target_os = "hermit"))]
static ALLOCATOR: LockedHeap = LockedHeap::empty();

/// Interface to allocate memory from system heap
/// # Errors
/// Returning a null pointer indicates that either memory is exhausted or
/// `size` and `align` do not meet this allocator's size or alignment constraints.
#[cfg(any(target_os = "none", target_os = "hermit"))]
pub extern "C" fn __sys_malloc(size: usize, align: usize) -> *mut u8 {
	let layout_res = Layout::from_size_align(size, align);
	if layout_res.is_err() || size == 0 {
			"__sys_malloc called with size {:#x}, align {:#x} is an invalid layout!",
			size, align
		return core::ptr::null::<*mut u8>() as *mut u8;
	let layout = layout_res.unwrap();
	let ptr = unsafe { ALLOCATOR.alloc(layout) };

		"__sys_malloc: allocate memory at {:#x} (size {:#x}, align {:#x})",
		ptr as usize,


/// Shrink or grow a block of memory to the given `new_size`. The block is described by the given
/// ptr pointer and layout. If this returns a non-null pointer, then ownership of the memory block
/// referenced by ptr has been transferred to this allocator. The memory may or may not have been
/// deallocated, and should be considered unusable (unless of course it was transferred back to the
/// caller again via the return value of this method). The new memory block is allocated with
/// layout, but with the size updated to new_size.
/// If this method returns null, then ownership of the memory block has not been transferred to this
/// allocator, and the contents of the memory block are unaltered.
/// # Safety
/// This function is unsafe because undefined behavior can result if the caller does not ensure all
/// of the following:
/// - `ptr` must be currently allocated via this allocator,
/// - `size` and `align` must be the same layout that was used to allocate that block of memory.
/// ToDO: verify if the same values for size and align always lead to the same layout
/// # Errors
/// Returns null if the new layout does not meet the size and alignment constraints of the
/// allocator, or if reallocation otherwise fails.
#[cfg(any(target_os = "none", target_os = "hermit"))]
pub extern "C" fn __sys_realloc(
	ptr: *mut u8,
	size: usize,
	align: usize,
	new_size: usize,
) -> *mut u8 {
	unsafe {
		let layout_res = Layout::from_size_align(size, align);
		if layout_res.is_err() || size == 0 || new_size == 0 {
			"__sys_realloc called with ptr {:#x}, size {:#x}, align {:#x}, new_size {:#x} is an invalid layout!",
			ptr as usize, size, align, new_size
			return core::ptr::null::<*mut u8>() as *mut u8;
		let layout = layout_res.unwrap();
		let new_ptr = ALLOCATOR.realloc(ptr, layout, new_size);

		if new_ptr.is_null() {
			"__sys_realloc failed to resize ptr {:#x} with size {:#x}, align {:#x}, new_size {:#x} !",
			ptr as usize, size, align, new_size
		} else {
				"__sys_realloc: resized memory at {:#x}, new address {:#x}",
				ptr as usize,
				new_ptr as usize

/// Interface to deallocate a memory region from the system heap
/// # Safety
/// This function is unsafe because undefined behavior can result if the caller does not ensure all of the following:
/// - ptr must denote a block of memory currently allocated via this allocator,
/// - `size` and `align` must be the same values that were used to allocate that block of memory
/// ToDO: verify if the same values for size and align always lead to the same layout
/// # Errors
/// May panic if debug assertions are enabled and invalid parameters `size` or `align` where passed.
#[cfg(any(target_os = "none", target_os = "hermit"))]
pub extern "C" fn __sys_free(ptr: *mut u8, size: usize, align: usize) {
	unsafe {
		let layout_res = Layout::from_size_align(size, align);
		if layout_res.is_err() || size == 0 {
				"__sys_free called with size {:#x}, align {:#x} is an invalid layout!",
				size, align
			debug_assert!(layout_res.is_err(), "__sys_free error: Invalid layout");
			debug_assert_ne!(size, 0, "__sys_free error: size cannot be 0");
		} else {
				"sys_free: deallocate memory at {:#x} (size {:#x})",
				ptr as usize,
		let layout = layout_res.unwrap();
		ALLOCATOR.dealloc(ptr, layout);

#[cfg(any(target_os = "none", target_os = "hermit"))]
extern "C" {
	static mut __bss_start: usize;

/// Helper function to check if uhyve provide an IP device
#[cfg(feature = "newlib")]
fn has_ipdevice() -> bool {

/// Entry point of a kernel thread, which initialize the libos
#[cfg(any(target_os = "none", target_os = "hermit"))]
extern "C" fn initd(_arg: usize) {
	extern "C" {
		fn runtime_entry(argc: i32, argv: *const *const u8, env: *const *const u8) -> !;
		#[cfg(feature = "newlib")]
		fn init_lwip();

	// initialize LwIP library for newlib-based applications
	#[cfg(feature = "newlib")]
	unsafe {
		if has_ipdevice() {

	if environment::is_uhyve() {
		// Initialize the uhyve-net interface using the IP and gateway addresses specified in hcip, hcmask, hcgateway.
		info!("HermitCore is running on uhyve!");
	} else if !environment::is_single_kernel() {
		// Initialize the mmnif interface using static IPs in the range 192.168.28.x.
		info!("HermitCore is running side-by-side to Linux!");
	} else {
		info!("HermitCore is running on common system!");

	// Initialize Drivers


	// Get the application arguments and environment variables.
	let (argc, argv, environ) = syscalls::get_application_parameters();

	// give the IP thread time to initialize the network interface

	unsafe {
		// And finally start the application.
		runtime_entry(argc, argv, environ)

#[cfg(feature = "smp")]
fn synch_all_cores() {
	static CORE_COUNTER: AtomicU32 = AtomicU32::new(0);

	CORE_COUNTER.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);

	while CORE_COUNTER.load(Ordering::SeqCst) != get_processor_count() {

/// Entry Point of HermitCore for the Boot Processor
#[cfg(any(target_os = "none", target_os = "hermit"))]
fn boot_processor_main() -> ! {
	// Initialize the kernel and hardware.

	info!("Welcome to HermitCore-rs {}", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"));
	info!("Kernel starts at {:#x}", environment::get_base_address());
	info!("BSS starts at {:#x}", unsafe {
		&__bss_start as *const usize as usize
		"TLS starts at {:#x} (size {} Bytes)",
	#[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
		info!("The current hermit-kernel is only implemented up to this point on aarch64.");
		info!("Attempting to exit via QEMU.");
		info!("This requires that you passed the `-semihosting` option to QEMU.");
		let exit_handler = qemu_exit::AArch64::new();
		loop {} /* Compiles up to here - loop prevents linker errors */

	if environment::is_single_kernel() && !environment::is_uhyve() {

	#[cfg(feature = "smp")]

	#[cfg(feature = "pci")]
	info!("Compiled with PCI support");
	#[cfg(feature = "acpi")]
	info!("Compiled with ACPI support");
	#[cfg(feature = "fsgsbase")]
	info!("Compiled with FSGSBASE support");
	#[cfg(feature = "smp")]
	info!("Compiled with SMP support");

	// Start the initd task.
	scheduler::PerCoreScheduler::spawn(initd, 0, scheduler::task::NORMAL_PRIO, 0, USER_STACK_SIZE);

	let core_scheduler = core_scheduler();
	// Run the scheduler loop.;

/// Entry Point of HermitCore for an Application Processor
#[cfg(all(any(target_os = "none", target_os = "hermit"), feature = "smp"))]
fn application_processor_main() -> ! {

	info!("Entering idle loop for application processor");


	let core_scheduler = core_scheduler();
	// Run the scheduler loop.;