rusty-d3d12 0.2.5

Low-level D3D12 bindings for Rust. failed to build rusty-d3d12-0.2.5
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Visit the last successful build: rusty-d3d12-0.5.2


This project provides low-level bindings for D3D12 API. It utilizes rust-bindgen for generating raw bindings (unlike d3d12-rs crate), but aims for providing idiomatic APIs (unlike the raw D3D12 wrappers from winapi or windows-rs crates).


  • type-safe wrappers for D3D12 enumerations and bit flags
  • wrappers for ID3D12 interfaces and POD structs (the latter are marked as #[repr(transparent)] so that they can be used as a drop-in replacement for the native types, but expose type-safe getters and setters)
  • D3D12 and DXGI prefixes have been stripped from all types, functions and enum variants (e.g. this library exposes CommandListType::Direct instead of D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE_DIRECT) since it's very likely that people who use it already know the name of the API it wraps (it's mentioned in the crate name after all), and do not need to be constantly reminded about it :) Also all type and function names have been reshaped with respect to the official Rust code style (e.g. get_gpu_descriptor_handle_for_heap_start instead of GetGPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart). Note that not all enum variant names have been converted yet, so some of them will be changed in future versions
  • D3D12 Agility SDK is integrated into the library and shipped along with it (see for an example of exporting required symbols)
  • PIX marker support (enabled by a feature pix that is off by default not to introduce a dependency on WinPixEventRuntime.dll for people who don't need it)
  • automatic COM object reference counting via Clone and Drop traits implementations with optional logging possibilities (e.g. see impl_com_object_refcount_named macro)
  • D3D12 debug callback support, object autonaming and GPU validation
  • convenience macros for wrapping API calls (dx_call and dx_try)
  • not yet covered APIs can be accessed through raw bindings exports, and new APIs can be wrapped in semi-automatic mode with the help of script

List of currently implemented examples

Please note their code can be dirty and contains some (non-critical) bugs, so they should not be treated as sane D3D12 tutorials or high-quality Rust code examples since their purpose is just to showcase the API.

  • hello_triangle
  • hello_texture (based on Microsoft sample)
  • dynamic_indexing (based on Microsoft sample)
  • dynamic_indexing_sm66 (basically a clone of the previous example with changes related to using SM6.6 dynamic resources and Agility SDK exports)
  • hello_mesh_shaders (loosely based on Microsoft sample)
  • heterogeneous_multiadapter (closely follows Microsoft sample, so currently it is the most recommended sample to start exploring these bindings if you want to compare them to C++ code line-by-line)
  • interprocess_communication (demonstrates usage of a shared heap by two processes - producer and consumer)
  • n_body_gravity (based on Microsoft sample, but uses a different threading model).

The next planned goal for this project is to cover DXR APIs and provide the corresponding samples.

Making changes

This library is still a work-in-progress, so all contributions are welcome :)

When used as a Cargo dependency, rusty-d3d12 does not generate bindings during build process by default, since running rust-bindgen requires libclang.dll, which can be absent on some systems, and cannot be vendored via due to its large size. So as a prerequisite, Cargo should be able to find this DLL under the path set in LIBCLANG_PATH environment variable. After this requirement is met, Cargo feature devel can be activated, and and files will be generated from scratch, and included into src/raw_bindings/ instead of the shipped ones. Of course, enabling this feature and copying libclang.dll is not required if one doesn't need to update Agility SDK headers and just wants to wrap some APIs that are already present in the shipped but not yet covered by this library.