rusty-ci 0.6.1

A tool to generate buildbot projects from a YAML file
# rusty-ci

A tool to generate buildbot projects from a YAML file

## Documentation

You can find the documentation [here](

## Installation

Install rust.

curl -sSf | sh

Install `rusty-ci`

cargo install rusty-ci

Install python3, pip, and venv

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install python3-dev python3-pip python3-venv

## Usage

To start, run `rusty-ci setup`, and carefully read and follow the output's instructions.

## Recommendations

I highly recommend using this in a linux-container to avoid poisoning your OS's environment. If you do decide to use a linux-container, be sure to `apt update && apt upgrade`, and `apt install build-essential` before doing anything though!