Trait rustun::client::Client [] [src]

pub trait Client {
    type CallRaw: Future<Item = RawMessage, Error = Error>;
    type CastRaw: Future<Item = (), Error = Error>;
    fn call_raw(&mut self, message: RawMessage) -> Self::CallRaw;
    fn cast_raw(&mut self, message: RawMessage) -> Self::CastRaw;

    fn call<M, A>(
        &mut self,
        message: Request<M, A>
    ) -> Call<M, A, Self::CallRaw>
        M: Method,
        A: Attribute
, { ... } fn cast<M, A>(&mut self, message: Indication<M, A>) -> Cast<Self::CastRaw>
        M: Method,
        A: Attribute
, { ... } }

STUN client.

Associated Types

Future type to handle a request/response transaction using RawMessage.

Future type to handle a indication transaction using RawMessage.

Required Methods

Makes a Future that sends the raw request message to a server and waits the response from it.

Makes a Future that sends the raw indication message to a server.

Provided Methods

Makes a Future that sends the request message to a server and waits the response from it.

Makes a Future that sends the indication message to a server.
