rustube 0.2.3

A YouTube video downloader, originally inspired by pytube, written in Rust.
//! Blocking wrappers for using `rustube` in a synchronous context.
//! Downloading videos with the blocking API works exactly like described for the asynchronous API 
//! in the [`crate`] documentation, and in the [`Video`](crate::Video) documentation, except for the
//! last step:
//! ```no_run
//!# use rustube::blocking::Video;
//!# use url::Url;
//!# fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
//! let url = Url::parse("")?;
//! let path_to_video = Video::from_url(&url)?
//!    .best_quality()
//!    .unwrap()
//!    .blocking_download()?;
//!#  Ok(())
//!# }
//! As you can see, there's no corresponding synchronous version of [`Stream`](crate::Stream), but
//! only a few methods prefixed with `blocking_`. This is not the most beautiful solution and may 
//! change in the future. 
//! Another option is using the [`block`] macro:
//! ```no_run
//!# use rustube::blocking::Video;
//!# use rustube::block;
//!# use url::Url;
//!# fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
//! let url = Url::parse("")?;
//! let video = Video::from_url(&url)?;
//! let best_quality = video.best_quality().unwrap();
//! let path_to_video = block!(;
//!#  Ok(())
//!# }
//!This macro will utilize the [`Runtime`](tokio::runtime::Runtime) created for you by `rustube`, 
//! and block on the provided future (You can also use it for other asynchronous stuff, not related 
//! to `rustube`).

use std::lazy::SyncLazy;

use tokio::runtime::Runtime;

#[cfg(any(feature = "descramble", doc))]
#[doc(cfg(feature = "descramble"))]
pub use descrambler::VideoDescrambler;
#[cfg(any(feature = "fetch", doc))]
#[doc(cfg(feature = "fetch"))]
pub use fetcher::VideoFetcher;
#[cfg(any(feature = "descramble", doc))]
#[doc(cfg(feature = "descramble"))]
pub use video::Video;

/// A [`Runtime`](tokio::runtime::Runtime) for executing asynchronous code. 
pub static RT: SyncLazy<Runtime> = SyncLazy::new(||
    Runtime::new().expect("Unable to start the tokio Runtime")


/// A convenient macro for executing asynchronous code in a synchronous context.
#[doc(cfg(feature = "blocking"))]
#[cfg(any(feature = "blocking", doc))]
macro_rules! block {
    (async $future:block) => { $crate::blocking::RT.block_on(async $future) };
    (async move $future:block) => { $crate::blocking::RT.block_on(async move $future) };
    ($future:expr) => {
        $crate::blocking::RT.block_on(async {

#[cfg(any(feature = "fetch", doc))]
#[doc(cfg(feature = "fetch"))]
pub mod fetcher;
#[cfg(any(feature = "descramble", doc))]
#[doc(cfg(feature = "descramble"))]
pub mod descrambler;
#[cfg(any(feature = "descramble", doc))]
#[doc(cfg(feature = "descramble"))]
pub mod video;

/// A synchronous wrapper around [`download_best_quality`](crate::download_best_quality).
#[cfg(any(all(feature = "download", feature = "regex"), doc))]
#[doc(cfg(all(feature = "download", feature = "regex")))]
pub fn download_best_quality(video_identifier: &str) -> crate::Result<std::path::PathBuf> {

/// A synchronous wrapper around [`download_worst_quality`](crate::download_worst_quality).
#[cfg(any(all(feature = "download", feature = "regex"), doc))]
#[doc(cfg(all(feature = "download", feature = "regex")))]
pub fn download_worst_quality(video_identifier: &str) -> crate::Result<std::path::PathBuf> {