rustracer 1.0.1

a multi-threaded raytracer in pure rust
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  <h3 style="border-bottom: 0px;">a multi-threaded raytracer in pure rust</h3>
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    <a href="#prerequisites">Prerequisites</a>
    <a href="#installation">Installation</a>
    <a href="#usage">Usage</a>

## Prerequisites

### Platform requirements

* `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu` <a href="#note1"><sup>(1)</sup></a>
* `x86_64-unknown-linux-musl`

<p id="note1"><sub><strong><sup>(1)</sup> note:</strong> glibc version >= 2.27</sub></p>

### Build requirements

* for **users** install [`cargo`] stable latest build system

* for **devels** it's advisable to install the entire (stable latest) toolchain using [`rustup`]

   For unit tests coverage `llvm-tools-preview` is required as additional component coupled with\
   [`cargo-llvm-cov`] for easily use LLVM source-based code coverage

  There is an handy [`makefile`] useful to:
    + preview documentation built with `rustdoc`
    + preview html code coverage analysys created with `cargo-llvm-cov`
    + create demo animations

## Installation

### From binary

Install from binary:

<code>curl -sSf | bash</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#note2"><sup>(2)</sup></a>

<summary>click to show other installation options</summary>

## Install the latest version `gnu` variant in `~/.rustracer/bin`
export PREFIX='~/.rustracer/'
curl -sSf | bash -s -- gnu

## Install the `0.4.0` version `musl` variant in `~/.rustracer/bin`
export PREFIX='~/.rustracer/'
curl -sSf | bash -s -- musl 0.4.0

<p id="note2"><sub><strong><sup>(2)</sup> note:</strong> will install latest musl release in <code>~/.local/bin</code></sub></p>

### From source

Install from source code, a template could be:

   <code> cargo install rustracer</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#note3"><sup>(3)</sup></a>

<summary>click to show other installation options</summary>

## Install the latest version using `Cargo.lock` in `~/.rustracer/bin`
export PREFIX='~/.rustracer/'
cargo install --locked --root $PREFIX rustracer

## Install the `0.4.0` version in `~/.rustracer/bin`
export VER='0.4.0'
export PREFIX='~/.rustracer/'
cargo install --root $PREFIX --version $VER rustracer

<p id="note3"><sub><strong><sup>(3)</sup> note:</strong> will install latest release in <code>~/.cargo/bin</code></sub></p>

## Usage

### rustracer

| **subcommands**                                   | **description**                               |
| :------------------------------------------------ | :-------------------------------------------- |
| [**rustracer-convert**]#rustracer-convert       | convert an hdr image into ldr image           |
| [**rustracer-demo**]#rustracer-demo             | render a simple demo scene (example purpose)  |
| [**rustracer-render**]#rustracer-render         | render a scene from file (yaml formatted)     |
| [**rustracer-completion**]#rustracer-completion | generate shell completion script (hidden)     |

<summary>click to show <strong>rustracer -h </strong></summary>

rustracer 1.0.1
a multi-threaded raytracer in pure rust

    rustracer <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Print help information
    -V, --version    Print version information

    convert    Convert HDR (pfm) image to LDR (ff|png) image
    demo       Render a demo scene (hard-coded in main)
    render     Render a scene from file

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### rustracer-convert

Convert a pfm file to png:

   <code>rustracer convert image.pfm image.png</code>

<summary>click to show <strong>rustracer-convert -h </strong></summary>

rustracer-convert 1.0.1
Convert HDR (pfm) image to LDR (ff|png) image

    rustracer convert [OPTIONS] <HDR> <LDR>

    <HDR>    Input pfm image
    <LDR>    Output image [possible formats: ff, png]

    -f, --factor <FACTOR>    Normalization factor [default: 1.0]
    -g, --gamma <GAMMA>      Gamma parameter [default: 1.0]
    -h, --help               Print help information
    -v, --verbose            Print stdout information
    -V, --version            Print version information

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### rustracer-demo

Rendering demo scene:

<div align="center">
         rustracer demo --width 1920 --height 1080 --anti-aliasing 3 demo.png
      </code>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#note4"><sup>(4)</sup></a>
   <img src="" width="500" alt="rustracer-demo-png"/>
   <p><sub><strong>demo.png:</strong> cpu Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5520 @ 2.27GHz | threads 8 | time ~35s

demo scene 360 degree (see [`makefile`](

<div align="center">
      <code>make demo.gif</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#note4"><sup>(4)</sup></a>
  <img src="" width="500" alt="rustracer-demo-gif"/>
  <p><sub><strong>demo.gif:</strong> cpu Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5520 @ 2.27GHz | threads 8 | time ~15m

<summary>click to show <strong>rustracer-demo -h </strong></summary>

rustracer-demo 1.0.1
Render a demo scene (hard-coded in main)

    rustracer demo [OPTIONS] <OUTPUT>

    <OUTPUT>    Output image [possible formats: ff, png]

    -a, --algorithm <ALGORITHM>            Rendering algorithm [default: pathtracer]
                                           [possible values: onoff, flat, pathtracer]
        --angle-deg <ANGLE_DEG>            View angle (in degrees) [default: 0.0]
        --anti-aliasing <ANTI_ALIASING>    Anti-aliasing level [default: 1]
    -f, --factor <FACTOR>                  Normalization factor [default: 1.0]
    -g, --gamma <GAMMA>                    Gamma parameter [default: 1.0]
    -h, --help                             Print help information
        --height <HEIGHT>                  Image height [default: 480]
        --init-seq <INIT_SEQ>              Identifier of the random sequence (positive number)
                                           [default: 54]
        --init-state <INIT_STATE>          Initial random seed (positive number) [default: 42]
    -m, --max-depth <MAX_DEPTH>            Maximum depth [default: 3]
    -n, --num-of-rays <NUM_OF_RAYS>        Number of rays [default: 10]
        --orthogonal                       Use orthogonal camera instead of perspective camera
        --output-pfm                       Output also hdr image
    -v, --verbose                          Print stdout information
    -V, --version                          Print version information
        --width <WIDTH>                    Image width [default: 640]


<p id="note4"><sub><strong><sup>(4)</sup> note:</strong> all available threads are used, set <code>RAYON_NUM_THREADS</code> to override</sub></p>

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### rustracer-render

Rendering demo scene from scene file [`examples/demo.yml`](

   <code>rustracer render --anti-aliasing 3 examples/demo.yml demo.png</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#note5"><sup>(5)</sup></a>

you can use this example scene to learn how to write your custom scene, ready to be rendered!

But let's unleash the power of a scene encoded in data-serialization language such as yaml\
Well repetitive scenes could be nightmare to be written, but for these (and more) there is [`cue`](

Let's try to render a 3D fractal, a [sphere-flake](, but without manually write a yaml scene file\
we can automatic generate it from [`examples/flake.cue`](

cue eval flake.cue -e "flake" -f flake.cue.yml   # generate yml from cue
cat flake.cue.yml | sed "s/'//g" > flake.yml     # little tweaks
wc -l flake.cue flake.yml                        # compare lines number
   92 flake.cue                                  # .
 2750 flake.yml                                  # .
so with this trick we've been able to condense a scene info from 2750 to 92 lines, x30 shrink! 😎\
and the generated `flake.yml` can be simple parsed

<div align="center">
   <code>rustracer render --width 1280 --height 720 --anti-aliasing 3 flake.yml flake.png</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#note5"><sup>(5)</sup></a>
  <img src="" width="500" alt="rustracer-flake"/>
  <p><sub><strong>flake.png:</strong> cpu Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5520 @ 2.27GHz | threads 8 | time ~7h

<summary>click to show <strong>rustracer-render -h </strong></summary>

rustracer-render 1.0.1
Render a scene from file (yaml formatted)

    rustracer render [OPTIONS] <INPUT> <OUTPUT>

    <INPUT>     Input scene file
    <OUTPUT>    Output image [possible formats: ff, png]

    -a, --algorithm <ALGORITHM>            Rendering algorithm [default: pathtracer]
                                           [possible values: onoff, flat, pathtracer]
        --angle-deg <ANGLE_DEG>            View angle (in degrees) [default: 0.0]
        --anti-aliasing <ANTI_ALIASING>    Anti-aliasing level [default: 1]
    -f, --factor <FACTOR>                  Normalization factor [default: 1.0]
    -g, --gamma <GAMMA>                    Gamma parameter [default: 1.0]
    -h, --help                             Print help information
        --height <HEIGHT>                  Image height [default: 480]
        --init-seq <INIT_SEQ>              Identifier of the random sequence (positive number)
                                           [default: 54]
        --init-state <INIT_STATE>          Initial random seed (positive number) [default: 42]
    -m, --max-depth <MAX_DEPTH>            Maximum depth [default: 3]
    -n, --num-of-rays <NUM_OF_RAYS>        Number of rays [default: 10]
        --output-pfm                       Output also hdr image
    -v, --verbose                          Print stdout information
    -V, --version                          Print version information
        --width <WIDTH>                    Image width [default: 640]


<p id="note5"><sub><strong><sup>(5)</sup> note:</strong> all available threads are used, set <code>RAYON_NUM_THREADS</code> to override</sub></p>

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### rustracer-completion

Simple generate completion script for `bash` shell (same for `fish` and `zsh`):

<div align="center">
      <code>rustracer completion bash</code> <a href="#note6"><sup>(6)</sup></a>
   <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="500" /></a>
   <p><sub><strong>note:</strong> close-open your shell, and here we go, tab completions now available!

<summary>click to show <strong>rustracer-completion -h </strong></summary>

rustracer-completion 1.0.1
Generate shell completion script

    rustracer completion [OPTIONS] <SHELL>

    <SHELL>    Shell to generate script for [possible values: bash, fish, zsh]

    -h, --help               Print help information
    -o, --output <OUTPUT>    Specify output script file
    -V, --version            Print version information


<p id="note6"><sub><strong><sup>(6)</sup> note:</strong> <code>bash>4.1</code> and <code>bash-complete>2.9</code></sub></p>

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## Acknowledgements

* [pytracer] - a simple raytracer in pure Python