rustpub 0.1.1

An implementation of the Activitypub types
## Activitypub Types Implementation
### Core Types
#### Object
-[x] attachment
-[x] attributedTo
-[ ] audience
-[ ] content
-[x] context (documentation and real-world values are different, so implemented according to real-world values)
-[ ] name
-[ ] endTime
-[ ] generator
-[ ] icon
-[ ] image
-[ ] inReplyTo
-[ ] location
-[ ] preview
-[ ] published
-[ ] replies
-[ ] startTime
-[ ] summary
-[ ] tag
-[ ] updated
-[ ] url
-[ ] to
-[ ] bto
-[ ] cc
-[ ] bcc
-[ ] mediaType
-[ ] duration

#### Link
-[ ] href
-[ ] rel
-[ ] mediaType
-[ ] name
-[ ] hreflang
-[ ] height
-[ ] width
-[ ] preview