[][src]Crate rustofi

This Rust library enables the construction of complex multipage applications that use Rofi to display their UI. The basic idea is to create a AppPage or SearchPage as an application main menu and feed it in possible selections and actions. These selections and actions can then navigate you to an ItemList, an EntryBox an ActionList or another main menu.

Typically you will want to create an AppPage with some options and actions, then display it in a loop checking the return for the RustofiOptionType to exit on. AppPage and SearchPage will automatically add an exit option to simplify the loop exit cases, while ItemList and ActionList will add a cancel option.

Simplest Possible Example

The below example gets even simpler than creating an AppRoot, just displaying a list of strings and utilizing a callback to print the selected item. Notice the loop in main checking the return variant of the rofi window

use rustofi::components::ItemList;
use rustofi::RustofiResult;

fn simple_app() -> RustofiResult {
    let rustofi_entries = vec![
        "Entry 1".to_string(),
        "Entry 2".to_string(),
        "Entry 3".to_string(),
    ItemList::new(rustofi_entries, Box::new(simple_callback)).display("Select an entry".to_string())

pub fn simple_callback(s: &String) -> RustofiResult {
    println!("Clicked on item: {}", s);

fn main() {
    loop {
        match simple_app() {
            RustofiResult::Error => break,
            RustofiResult::Exit => break,
            RustofiResult::Cancel => break,
            RustofiResult::Blank => break,
            _ => {}





AppPage displays a single column rofi window and is meant to be used as a main menu of sorts for your application. items should be associated with a data model, while actions should be either operations you can perform on those items, or actions you can take within the app (switch pages for example)


SearchPage displays a multi column rofi window and is meant to be used as a search page of sorts for your application. items should be associated with a data model, while actions should be either operations you can perform on those items, or actions you can take within the app (switch pages for example). The search_callback allows you to refresh the data models displayed or perform an operation on custom entry



enum declaring all possible return values from a rofi window constructed using this library. Callbacks should also generally return this type, specifying Success, Error, Exit or Cancel in most cases



Wrapper around a callback that returns a RustofiResult


Trait implemented by SearchPage and AppPage.