rustls-cert-gen 0.1.0

Rust X.509 certificate generator CLI


rustls-cert-gen is a tool to generate TLS certificates. In its current state it will generate a Root CA and an end-entity certificate, along with private keys. The end-entity certificate will be signed by the Root CA.


Having compiled the binary you can simply pass a path to output generated files.

cargo run -- -o output/dir

In the output directory you will find these files:

  • cert.pem (end-entity's X.509 certificate, signed by root-ca's key)
  • cert.key.pem (end-entity's private key)
  • root-ca.pem (ca's self-signed X.509 certificate)

For a complete list of supported options:

rustls-cert-gen --help


What signature schemes are available?

  • pkcs_ecdsa_p256_sha256
  • pkcs_ecdsa_p384_sha384
  • pkcs_ed25519