rustler_sys 2.2.0

Create Erlang NIF modules in Rust using the C NIF API.
Low level Rust bindings to the [Erlang NIF API](

# NIF Crate

A NIF module is built by creating a new crate that uses `erlang_nif-sys` as a dependency.

# NIF Functions

All NIF functions must have the following signature:

use rustler_sys::*;
# fn main(){} //0
fn my_nif(env: *mut ErlNifEnv,
          argc: c_int,
          args: *const ERL_NIF_TERM) -> ERL_NIF_TERM {
    // ...
#   unsafe{enif_make_badarg(env)}


# NIF Module Initialization

## For the Impatient
use rustler_sys::*;

        ("my_nif_fun1", 1, my_nif_fun1),
        ("my_dirty_fun2", 1, my_dirty_fun2, ERL_NIF_DIRTY_JOB_CPU_BOUND)
    {load: my_load}
# fn main(){} //1
# fn my_load(env: *mut ErlNifEnv, priv_data: *mut *mut c_void, load_info: ERL_NIF_TERM)-> c_int { 0 }
# fn my_nif_fun1(_: *mut ErlNifEnv,_: c_int,args: *const ERL_NIF_TERM) -> ERL_NIF_TERM {unsafe{*args}}
# fn my_dirty_fun2(_: *mut ErlNifEnv,_: c_int,args: *const ERL_NIF_TERM) -> ERL_NIF_TERM {unsafe{*args}}

## Details

The `erlang_nif-sys` analog of [`ERL_NIF_INIT()`]( is `nif_init!` which has the following form:

`nif_init!(module_name, [nif_funcs], {options})`

`module_name` must be a string literal, for example `"mynifmodule"`.

`nif_funcs` declares all the exported NIF functions for this module.  Each entry is declared as

`(name, arity, function, flags)`

`name` is a string literal indicating the name of the function as seen from Erlang code.
`arity` is an integer indicating how many parameter this function takes as seen from Erlang code.
`function` is the Rust implementation of the NIF and must be of the form
`Fn(env: *mut ErlNifEnv, argc: c_int, args: *const ERL_NIF_TERM) -> ERL_NIF_TERM`.  This is usually a plain
Rust function, but closures are permitted.
`flags` is optional and allows you to specify if this NIF is to run on a dirty scheduler.  See [dirty NIFs](
in the Erlang docs.

The `options` are the NIF module initialization functions [`load`](, [`reload`](,
[`upgrade`](, and [`unload`](
Each is optional and is specified in struct-init style if present.  If no options are needed,
the curly braces may be elided.  Stub implementation of all these functions looks something like:

use rustler_sys::*;

nif_init!("mymod", [], {load: load, reload: reload, upgrade: upgrade, unload: unload});

fn load(env: *mut ErlNifEnv,
        priv_data: *mut *mut c_void,
        load_info: ERL_NIF_TERM)-> c_int { 0 }

fn reload(env: *mut ErlNifEnv,
          priv_data: *mut *mut c_void,
          load_info: ERL_NIF_TERM) -> c_int { 0 }

fn upgrade(env: *mut ErlNifEnv,
           priv_data: *mut *mut c_void,
           old_priv_data: *mut *mut c_void,
                      load_info: ERL_NIF_TERM) -> c_int { 0 }

fn unload(env: *mut ErlNifEnv,
          priv_data: *mut c_void) {}

# fn main(){} //2

# Invoking NIF API

As with any Rust FFI call, NIF API calls must be wrapped in `unsafe` blocks.
Below is an example of invoking NIF APIs along with an approach for dealing with
the the `args` parameter.

use rustler_sys::*;
use std::mem;

fn native_add(env: *mut ErlNifEnv,
              argc: c_int,
              args: *const ERL_NIF_TERM) -> ERL_NIF_TERM {
    unsafe {
        let mut a: c_int = mem::uninitialized();
        let mut b: c_int = mem::uninitialized();
        if argc == 2 &&
           0 != enif_get_int(env, *args, &mut a) &&
           0 != enif_get_int(env, *args.offset(1), &mut b) {
            enif_make_int(env, a+b)
         else {
# fn main(){} //3


// Don't throw warnings on NIF naming conventions

mod initmacro;

pub mod rustler_sys_api;

pub use crate::rustler_sys_api::*;