rustlearn 0.5.0

A machine learning package for Rust.
# rustlearn

[![Circle CI](](

A machine learning package for Rust.

For full usage details, see the [API documentation](

## Introduction

This crate contains reasonably effective
implementations of a number of common machine learning algorithms.

At the moment, `rustlearn` uses its own basic dense and sparse array types, but I will be happy
to use something more robust once a clear winner in that space emerges.

## Features

### Matrix primitives

- [dense matrices]
- [sparse matrices]

### Models

- [logistic regression] using stochastic gradient descent,
- [support vector machines] using the `libsvm` library,
- [decision trees] using the CART algorithm,
- [random forests] using CART decision trees, and
- [factorization machines]

All the models support fitting and prediction on both dense and sparse data, and the implementations
should be roughly competitive with Python `sklearn` implementations, both in accuracy and performance.

## Cross-validation

- [k-fold cross-validation]
- [shuffle split]

## Metrics

- [accuracy]
- [ROC AUC score]
- [dcg_score]
- [ndcg_score]
- [mean absolute error]
- [mean squared error]

## Parallelization

A number of models support both parallel model fitting and prediction.

### Model serialization

Model serialization is supported via `serde`.

## Using `rustlearn`
Usage should be straightforward.

- import the prelude for alll the linear algebra primitives and common traits:

use rustlearn::prelude::*;

- import individual models and utilities from submodules:

use rustlearn::prelude::*;

use rustlearn::linear_models::sgdclassifier::Hyperparameters;
// more imports

## Examples

### Logistic regression

use rustlearn::prelude::*;
use rustlearn::datasets::iris;
use rustlearn::cross_validation::CrossValidation;
use rustlearn::linear_models::sgdclassifier::Hyperparameters;
use rustlearn::metrics::accuracy_score;

let (X, y) = iris::load_data();

let num_splits = 10;
let num_epochs = 5;

let mut accuracy = 0.0;

for (train_idx, test_idx) in CrossValidation::new(X.rows(), num_splits) {

    let X_train = X.get_rows(&train_idx);
    let y_train = y.get_rows(&train_idx);
    let X_test = X.get_rows(&test_idx);
    let y_test = y.get_rows(&test_idx);

    let mut model = Hyperparameters::new(X.cols())

    for _ in 0..num_epochs {, &y_train).unwrap();

    let prediction = model.predict(&X_test).unwrap();
    accuracy += accuracy_score(&y_test, &prediction);

accuracy /= num_splits as f32;


### Random forest

use rustlearn::prelude::*;

use rustlearn::ensemble::random_forest::Hyperparameters;
use rustlearn::datasets::iris;
use rustlearn::trees::decision_tree;

let (data, target) = iris::load_data();

let mut tree_params = decision_tree::Hyperparameters::new(data.cols());

let mut model = Hyperparameters::new(tree_params, 10)
    .one_vs_rest();, &target).unwrap();

// Optionally serialize and deserialize the model

// let encoded = bincode::serialize(&model).unwrap();
// let decoded: OneVsRestWrapper<RandomForest> = bincode::deserialize(&encoded).unwrap();

let prediction = model.predict(&data).unwrap();

## Contributing
Pull requests are welcome.

To run basic tests, run `cargo test`.

Running `cargo test --features "all_tests" --release` runs all tests, including generated and slow tests.
Running `cargo bench --features bench` (only on the nightly branch) runs benchmarks.