Module rustix::mm

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Available on crate feature mm only.
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Memory map operations.




  • posix_madvise(addr, len, advice)—Declares an expected access pattern for a memory-mapped file.
  • mlock(ptr, len)—Lock memory into RAM.
  • mmap
    mmap(ptr, len, prot, flags, fd, offset)—Create a file-backed memory mapping.
  • mmap(ptr, len, prot, MAP_ANONYMOUS | flags, -1, 0)—Create an anonymous memory mapping.
  • mprotect(ptr, len, flags)—Change the protection flags of a region of memory.
  • msync(addr, len, flags)—Synchronizes a memory-mapping with its backing storage.
  • munlock(ptr, len)—Unlock memory.
  • munmap(ptr, len)—Remove a memory mapping.