rusti-cal 0.4.4

⚡️ Lightning-fast and minimal calendar command line. It's similar to `cal`. Written in Rust 🦀
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⚡️ Lightning-fast and minimal calendar command line. It's similar to `cal`.
Written in Rust 🦀

## How Can Install?

$ cargo install rusti-cal

## Usage

$ rusti-cal <year>

## Hands On


## Optional Usage

+ Start Week With Sunday (Default)

$ rusti-cal <year> --starting-day 0

+ Start Week With Mondays

$ rusti-cal <year> --starting-day 1

+ Start Week With Tuesday

$ rusti-cal <year> --starting-day 2

+ Start Week With Wednesday

$ rusti-cal <year> --starting-day 3

+ Start Week With Thursday

$ rusti-cal <year> --starting-day 4

+ Start Week With Friday

$ rusti-cal <year> --starting-day 5

+ Start Week With Saturday

$ rusti-cal <year> --starting-day 6

## Locale based names

The current locale can be overwritten with the `LANG` environment variable to display the calendar in another language.

$ LANG=fr_FR rusti-cal <year>