rustful 0.2.2

A light web micro-framework with some REST-like features and the ambition of being simple, modular and non-intrusive. failed to build rustful-0.2.2
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A light web micro-framework for Rust with REST-like features. The main purpose of Rustful is to create a simple, modular and non-intrusive foundation for HTTP applications. It has a mainly stateless structure, which naturally allows it to run both as one single server and as multiple instances in a cluster.

Some of the features are:

  • Generic response handlers. Just use a function or implement the Handler trait.
  • Unified log system to make sure everything is working together.
  • Some handy macros reduces risk for typos and makes life easier.
  • Pluggable request and response filtering.
  • Variables and recursive wildcards in routes.

Online documentation.

#Getting Started

##Cargo.toml Entries

Add the following lines to your Cargo.toml file:

rustful = "0.2"

###Cargo Features

Some parts of Rustful can be toggled using Cargo features:

  • rustc_json_body - Parse the request body as JSON. Enabled by default.

##Write Your Server Here is a simple example of what a simple project could look like. Visit http://localhost:8080 or http://localhost:8080/Olivia (if your name is Olivia) to try it.

//Include macros to be able to use `insert_routes!`.
extern crate rustful;

use std::error::Error;

use rustful::{Server, Context, Response, TreeRouter, Handler};

fn say_hello(context: Context, response: Response) {
    //Get the value of the path variable `:person`, from below.
    let person = match context.variables.get("person") {
        Some(name) => &name[..],
        None => "stranger"

    //Use the name from the path variable to say hello.
    response.into_writer().send(format!("Hello, {}!", person));

//Dodge an ICE, related to functions as handlers.
struct HandlerFn(fn(Context, Response));

impl Handler for HandlerFn {
    fn handle_request(&self, context: Context, response: Response) {
        self.0(context, response);

fn main() {
    //Build and run the server.
    let server_result = Server {
        //Turn a port number into an IPV4 host address ( in this case).
        host: 8080.into(),

        //Create a TreeRouter and fill it with handlers.
        handlers: insert_routes!{
            TreeRouter::new() => {
                //Handle requests for root...
                Get: HandlerFn(say_hello),

                //...and one level below.
                //`:person` is a path variable and it will be accessible in the handler.
                ":person" => Get: HandlerFn(say_hello)

        //Use default values for everything else.

    match server_result {
        Ok(_server) => {},
        Err(e) => println!("could not start server: {}", e.description())

##Contributing Yes, please! You can always post an issue or (even better) fork the project, implement your idea or fix the bug you have found and send a pull request. Just remember to test it when you are done. Here is how:

  • Run cargo test to run unit, documentation and compile tests.
  • Run cargo run --example example_name to run an example and make sure it behaves as expected.