rustfm-scrobble 1.1.1 Scrobble crate for Rust
Version 1.1.1 - 2020-12-13

  * Update `wrapped-vec` dependency to v0.3.0

Version 1.1.0 - 2020-12-13

  * Replace `reqwest` HTTP client with `ureq` (@agersant, #47, #48)
  * Update `mockito` dev-dependency to v0.28

Version 1.0.1 - 2020-08-14

  * Update dependencies (fixes issue building with rust 1.40, updated md5 and mockito crate versions)
  * Fix issue parsing `ScrobbleBatchResponses` when `ScrobbleBatch` had a single scrobble (#45)
  * Remove deprecated `Error::description` and `cause` on `ScrobblerError` (@AnderEnder, #44)
  * Cleaned up some messy/unnecessary imports

Version 1.0.0 - 2019-10-31

  * Full API documented comprehensively (#19)
  * Simpler API interface 
    * Lots of improvements, particularly &str/String improvements (@andy128k, #30)
    * Add From tuple trait implementations for Scrobble, ScrobbleBatch
  * Modernized and cleaned up internal code:
    * Use Rust Edition 2018 (@AnderEnder, #28)
    * Use rustfmt to format code (@AnderEnder, #29)
    * Improved error handling using From trait (@AnderEnder, #33)
    * Clippy improvements (@GChicha, #41)
  * Add unit test suite (@gbmor, #13, #40)
  * Remove deprecated `Scrobbler::authenticate` (@skneko, #31 #32)
  * Simplified and improved example code (#22)
  * Update and improve README & repo documentation
  * Updated dependencies:
    * Replace outdated `rust-crypto` with `md5` crate (@AnderEnder, #34)

Version 0.9.2 - 2019-04-25

  * Update `reqwest` to v0.9.15
  * Add Artist, Track & Album getters to `Scrobbler`

Version 0.9.1 - 2017-11-20

  * Re-designed authentication API:
    * Add support for authenticating with session key (#16)
    * Implement current password authentication in `Scrobbler::authenticate_with_passsword`
    * Deprecate old `authenticate` method
  * Expose current session key via `Scrobbler::session_key` (#17)
  * Separate API response structs and common values contained in the structs (new 
    `responses::values` package)
    * Use wrapped-vec derived `ScrobbleList` instead of `Vec<ScrobbleResponse>` in various response 

Version 0.9.0 - 2017-11-16

  * Batch scrobbling support (#9):
    * Add `Scrobbler::scrobble_batch`
    * Add `ScrobbleBatch` type, auto-generated using `wrapped-vec` crate
    * Add `responses::ScrobbleBatchResponse` response type
  * Scrobble timestamping support (#2)
  * Export `Scrobble` type in crate root; imports for most common use-case more
    ergonomic (#12)
  * Improve `` readability
  * Various small code improvements

Version 0.3.1 - 2017-10-02

 * Scrobble implements recommended derivable traits: Clone, PartialEq, Eq,
   PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Debug. (#11)

Version 0.3.0 - 2017-09-26

  * New Scrobble struct representing a single track-play (issue #8)
    * Update Scrobbler methods to take Scrobble struct instead of artist & 
      track names as bare Strings.
  * Add support for submitting album data along with track name & artist (#7)

Version 0.2.2 - 2017-09-17

  * Add timestamp field to ScrobblerResponse (Fixes issue #4)
  * Update to stable Serde v1.0.2
     * Update custom deserializer for CorrectableString
  * Refactor into with sub-packages

Version 0.2.1 - 2017-08-26

  * Upgrade reqwest dependency to version 0.7.3, fixes reqwest bug with 
    connection pools timing out which broke long-existing Scrobbler instances

Version 0.2.0 - 2017-03-04

  * Return API responses encoded as structs (Issue #3)
    All Scrobbler methods now return the API response deserialized
    into a Rust struct for the type (see API documentation)
  * Add ScrobbleError (with std::err:Error), instead of just returning
    error messages as strings.
  * Refactor Scrobbler/client code:
    * Move request-making code out of Scrobbler and into client; Scrobbler 
      should be an extremely minimal high(est) level layer.
    * Improve internal representation of API methods/operations, using an enum
      instead of passing magic strings around.

Version 0.1.2 - 2017-02-25

 * Improve API request code:
   * Switch to reqwest instead of hyper for HTTP client
   * Share a HTTP client instance between API requests
   * API request code refactor / cleanup
 * Update serde library dependency to version 0.9

Version 0.1.1 - 2017-02-22

 * Add API documentation for rustfm-scrobble crate
 * Update data in Cargo.toml

Version 0.1.0 - 2017-02-22

* Initial release