rustfft 5.1.0

High-performance FFT library written in pure Rust.

name = "rustfft"

version = "5.1.0"

authors = ["Allen Welkie <allen.welkie at gmail>", "Elliott Mahler <join.together at gmail>"]

edition = "2018"

description = "High-performance FFT library written in pure Rust."

documentation = ""

repository = ""

keywords = ["fft", "dft", "discrete", "fourier", "transform"]

categories = ["algorithms", "compression", "multimedia::encoding", "science"]

license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"


default = ["avx", "sse"]

# On x86_64, the "avx" feature enables compilation of AVX-acclerated code. 

# Similarly, the "sse" feature enables SSE-accelerated code. 

# Enabling these improves performance if the client CPU supports AVX or SSE, while disabling them reduces compile time and binary size.

# If both are enabled, RustFFT will use AVX if the CPU supports it. If not, it will check for SSE4.1.

# If neither instruction set is available, it will fall back to the scalar code.  

# On every other platform, these features do nothing, and RustFFT will behave like they are not set.

avx = []

sse = []


num-complex = "0.3"

num-traits = "0.2"

num-integer = "^0.1.40"

strength_reduce = "^0.2.1"

transpose = "0.2"

primal-check = "0.3.1"


rand = "0.6"

paste = "1.0.4"