rusted_cypher 0.5.0

Send cypher queries to a neo4j database
# rusted_cypher

Rust crate for accessing the cypher endpoint of a neo4j server

This is a prototype for accessing the cypher endpoint of a neo4j server, like a sql
driver for a relational database.

You can execute queries inside a transaction or simply execute queries that commit immediately.

It MAY be extended to support other resources of the neo4j REST api.

## Examples

Code in examples are assumed to be wrapped in:

extern crate rusted_cypher;

use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use rusted_cypher::GraphClient;
use rusted_cypher::cypher::Statement;

fn main() {
  // Connect to the database
  let graph = GraphClient::connect(

  // Example code here!

### Performing Queries

let mut query = graph.cypher().query();

// Statement implements From<&str>
    "CREATE (n:LANG { name: 'Rust', level: 'low', safe: true })");

let statement = Statement::new(
    "CREATE (n:LANG { name: 'C++', level: 'low', safe: {safeness} })")
    .with_param("safeness", false);



    "CREATE (n:LANG { name: 'Python', level: 'high', safe: true })")

let result = graph.cypher().exec(
    "MATCH (n:LANG) RETURN, n.level,")

assert_eq!(, 3);

for row in result.rows() {
    let name: String = row.get("").unwrap();
    let level: String = row.get("n.level").unwrap();
    let safeness: bool = row.get("").unwrap();
    println!("name: {}, level: {}, safe: {}", name, level, safeness);

graph.cypher().exec("MATCH (n:LANG) DELETE n").unwrap();

### With Transactions

let transaction = graph.cypher().transaction()
    .with_statement("CREATE (n:IN_TRANSACTION { name: 'Rust', level: 'low', safe: true })");

let (mut transaction, results) = transaction.begin().unwrap();

transaction.add_statement("CREATE (n:IN_TRANSACTION { name: 'Python', level: 'high', safe: true })");

let stmt = Statement::new("MATCH (n:IN_TRANSACTION) WHERE ( = {safeness}) RETURN n")
    .with_param("safeness", true);

let results = transaction.exec().unwrap();

assert_eq!(results[0].data.len(), 2);


License: MIT