rustdoc-katex-demo 0.1.0

This project demonstrates an approach to including KaTeX in Rust docs
rustdoc-katex-demo-0.1.0 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: rustdoc-katex-demo-0.1.5


This project demonstrates an approach to including KaTeX in Rust docs. It tries to balance readable source code, attractive rendered output, and ease of use.

Docs with KaTeX can be generated locally and on


You'll only need one file: just grab katex-header.html from this project and put it into the root of your project.

Rendering Locally

This project can be documented locally with the following commands. Dependencies are documented separately because you probably don't want your dependencies' docs to use KaTeX, plus it won't build correctly.

cargo doc
RUSTDOCFLAGS="--html-in-header katex-header.html" cargo doc --no-deps --open

Rendering on

Include the following snippet in your Cargo.toml:

rustdoc-args = [ "--html-in-header", "katex-header.html" ]

How to Write KaTeX

Here is some inline $\KaTeX$.

And now for a fancy math expression:

$$ f(x) = \int_{-\infty}\infty \hat f(\xi),e{2 \pi i \xi x} ,d\xi $$

How to Not Write KaTeX

Somehow the section on how to not write KaTeX is longer and more complex than that on how to write KaTeX! I think it's worth it, because being able to use a single dollar sign for inline math expressions makes the source code a lot more readable.

If you try to write two dollar signs in one paragraph, your text will $look like this!$

Dollar signs inside of code blocks are safe: $\KaTeX$.

It's safe to write a single $ as long as there are no other dollar signs in the same HTML element. This translates to approximately one Markdown paragraph or bullet item.

If you're the kind of person who likes to write many dollar signs all in the same paragraph, you can surround each one in a <span> element: $$$.


If you want to use your own set of delimiters, you can change that in katex-header.html. The order of the delimiters is important, so you may with to consult the KaTeX auto-render docs and source code.

This project currently depends on KaTeX's official CDN, jsDelivr. In the future, I would like to create a way to bundle the JS and CSS resources into the project.

I am greatly indebted to rust-num PR #226 by hauleth for providing a template for this technique.

License: MIT/Apache-2.0