Crate rustdds[][src]

Expand description

A pure Rust implementation of Data Distribution Service (DDS).

DDS is an object-oriented API specified by the Object Management Group.

DDS communicates over the network using the RTPS protocol, which by default runs over UDP/IP.

This implementation does not attempt to make an accurate implementation of the DDS object API, as it would be quite unnatural to use in Rust as such. However, we aim for functional compatibility, while at the same time using Rust techniques and conventions.

Additionally, there is a ROS2 interface, that is simpler to use than DDS when communicating to ROS2 components.

DDS usage summary


  • Data is sent and received in consecutive samples. When read, a sample is accompanied with SampleInfo, which contains DDS-generated metadata.
  • Topics are either With_Key or No_Key.
    • With_Key topics are like map data structures, containing multiple instances (map entries), identified by a key. The key must be something that can be extracted from the data samples. Instances can be created (published) and deleted (disposed).
    • No_Key topics have always only one instance, which cannot be disposed.
    • Many types and traits in RustDDS have both with_key and no_key versions. This is because with_key communication must be able to access keys from data samples, so it is required in type signatures. Such requirement makes no sense for no_key communication, so signature must be different.

Interfacing Rust data types to DDS

  • DDS, as specified, takes care of data serialization and deserialization. In order for RustDDS to do this, the payload data must be Serde serializable/deserializable.
  • If your data is to be communicated over a WithKey topic, the payload data type must implement Keyed trait from this crate.
  • If you are using CDR serialization (specification, Section 15.3) , which is the DDS default, then use CDRSerializerAdapter and CDRDeserializerAdapter when such adapters are required. If you need to use another serialization format, then you should find or write a Serde data format implementation and wrap it as a (De)SerializerAdaper.

Polling multiple DataReaders

RustDDS is designed to used with mio version 0.6.x. DataReaders implement Evented so that they can be directly registered to a poll.

Usage Example

use rustdds::*;
use rustdds::no_key::{DataReader, DataWriter, DataSample}; // We use a NO_KEY topic here
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};

// DomainParticipant is always necessary
let domain_participant = DomainParticipant::new(0).unwrap();

let qos = QosPolicyBuilder::new()
  .reliability(policy::Reliability::Reliable { max_blocking_time: rustdds::Duration::DURATION_ZERO })

// DDS Subscriber, only one is necessary for each thread (slight difference to
// DDS specification)
let subscriber = domain_participant.create_subscriber(&qos).unwrap();

// DDS Publisher, only one is necessary for each thread (slight difference to
// DDS specification)
let publisher = domain_participant.create_publisher(&qos).unwrap();

// Some DDS Topic that we can write and read from (basically only binds readers
// and writers together)
let some_topic = domain_participant.create_topic("some_topic".to_string(), "SomeType".to_string(), &qos, TopicKind::NoKey).unwrap();

// Used type needs Serialize for writers and Deserialize for readers
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct SomeType {
  a: i32

// Creating DataReader requires type and deserializer adapter (which is recommended to be CDR).
// Reader needs to be mutable if any operations are used.
let mut reader = subscriber
  .create_datareader_no_key::<SomeType, CDRDeserializerAdapter<SomeType>>(

// Creating DataWriter required type and serializer adapter (which is recommended to be CDR).
let writer = publisher
  .create_datawriter_no_key::<SomeType, CDRSerializerAdapter<SomeType>>(

// Readers implement mio Evented trait and thus function the same way as
// std::sync::mpcs and can be handled the same way for reading the data

let some_data = SomeType { a: 1 };

// This should send the data to all who listen "some_topic" topic.
writer.write(some_data, None).unwrap();

// ... Some data has arrived at some point for the reader
let data_sample = if let Ok(Some(value)) = reader.read_next_sample() {
} else {
  // no data has arrived

// Getting reference to actual data from the data sample
let actual_data = data_sample.value();


DDS interface - Most commonly needed items should be re-exported directly to crate top level and modules no_key and with_key.

Components used to access NO_KEY Topics

Contains all available QoSPolicies

DDS Quality of Service

ROS2 interface using DDS module

Helpers for (De)serialization and definitions of (De)serializer adapters

Components used to access WITH_KEY Topics


This type adapts CdrDeserializer (which implements serde::Deserializer) to work as a with_key::DeserializerAdapter and no_key::DeserializerAdapter.

a CDR deserializer implementation.

a CDR deserializer implementation

DDS DomainParticipant

Duration is the DDS/RTPS representation for legths of time, such as timeouts. It is very similar to std::time::Duration. See also Timestamp.


A double counter for counting how many times an instance as become Alive.

DDS Publisher

Describes a set of RTPS/DDS QoS policies

Utility for building QosPolicies

This is used to specify which samples are to be read or taken from a Datareader

Used to identify serialization format of payload data over RTPS.

SampleInfo is metadata attached to each received data sample. It exists only at the receiving end of DDS, and is (mostly) generated by DDS.

DDS Subscriber

Representation of time instants in DDS API and RTPS protocol. Similar to std::time::Instant.

DDS Topic

Description of the type of a Topic


Is this data instance alive or not and why.

indicates whether or not the corresponding data sample has already been read by this DataReader.

Type for DDS Topic (With Key or No key)

Indicates if this data instance has been seen (viewed).


Trait for instance lookup key in a WITH_KEY topic.

Data sample must implement Keyed to be used in a WITH_KEY topic.

Trait for things that have a GUID.

This trait corresponds to set_listener() of the Entity class in DDS spec. Types implementing this trait can be registered to a poll and polled for status events.

Trait approximation of DDS TopicDescription Class

Derive Macros