rustc-rayon-core 0.2.0

Core APIs for Rayon - fork for rustc
use crossbeam_deque::{Deque, Steal, Stealer};
use internal::task::Task;
use job::Job;
use job::{JobRef, StackJob};
use latch::{CountLatch, Latch, LatchProbe, LockLatch, SpinLatch, TickleLatch};
use log::Event::*;
use sleep::Sleep;
use std::any::Any;
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher;
use std::hash::Hasher;
use std::mem;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering, ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, Once, ONCE_INIT};
use std::thread;
use std::usize;
use unwind;
use util::leak;
use {ErrorKind, ExitHandler, PanicHandler, DeadlockHandler, StartHandler, AcquireThreadHandler, 
     MainHandler, ThreadPoolBuildError, ThreadPoolBuilder, ReleaseThreadHandler};

pub struct Registry {
    thread_infos: Vec<ThreadInfo>,
    state: Mutex<RegistryState>,
    sleep: Sleep,
    job_uninjector: Stealer<JobRef>,
    panic_handler: Option<Box<PanicHandler>>,
    pub(crate) deadlock_handler: Option<Box<DeadlockHandler>>,
    start_handler: Option<Box<StartHandler>>,
    exit_handler: Option<Box<ExitHandler>>,
    main_handler: Option<Box<MainHandler>>,
    pub(crate) acquire_thread_handler: Option<Box<AcquireThreadHandler>>,
    pub(crate) release_thread_handler: Option<Box<ReleaseThreadHandler>>,

    // When this latch reaches 0, it means that all work on this
    // registry must be complete. This is ensured in the following ways:
    // - if this is the global registry, there is a ref-count that never
    //   gets released.
    // - if this is a user-created thread-pool, then so long as the thread-pool
    //   exists, it holds a reference.
    // - when we inject a "blocking job" into the registry with `ThreadPool::install()`,
    //   no adjustment is needed; the `ThreadPool` holds the reference, and since we won't
    //   return until the blocking job is complete, that ref will continue to be held.
    // - when `join()` or `scope()` is invoked, similarly, no adjustments are needed.
    //   These are always owned by some other job (e.g., one injected by `ThreadPool::install()`)
    //   and that job will keep the pool alive.
    terminate_latch: CountLatch,

struct RegistryState {
    job_injector: Deque<JobRef>,

/// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// Initialization

static mut THE_REGISTRY: Option<&'static Arc<Registry>> = None;

/// Starts the worker threads (if that has not already happened). If
/// initialization has not already occurred, use the default
/// configuration.
fn global_registry() -> &'static Arc<Registry> {
    THE_REGISTRY_SET.call_once(|| unsafe { init_registry(ThreadPoolBuilder::new()).unwrap() });
    unsafe { THE_REGISTRY.expect("The global thread pool has not been initialized.") }

/// Starts the worker threads (if that has not already happened) with
/// the given builder.
pub fn init_global_registry(
    builder: ThreadPoolBuilder,
) -> Result<&'static Registry, ThreadPoolBuildError> {
    let mut called = false;
    let mut init_result = Ok(());;
    THE_REGISTRY_SET.call_once(|| unsafe {
        init_result = init_registry(builder);
        called = true;
    if called {|()| &**global_registry())
    } else {

/// Initializes the global registry with the given builder.
/// Meant to be called from within the `THE_REGISTRY_SET` once
/// function. Declared `unsafe` because it writes to `THE_REGISTRY` in
/// an unsynchronized fashion.
unsafe fn init_registry(builder: ThreadPoolBuilder) -> Result<(), ThreadPoolBuildError> {
    Registry::new(builder).map(|registry| THE_REGISTRY = Some(leak(registry)))

struct Terminator<'a>(&'a Arc<Registry>);

impl<'a> Drop for Terminator<'a> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {

impl Registry {
    pub fn new(mut builder: ThreadPoolBuilder) -> Result<Arc<Registry>, ThreadPoolBuildError> {
        let n_threads = builder.get_num_threads();
        let breadth_first = builder.get_breadth_first();

        let inj_worker = Deque::new();
        let inj_stealer = inj_worker.stealer();
        let workers: Vec<_> = (0..n_threads).map(|_| Deque::new()).collect();
        let stealers: Vec<_> = workers.iter().map(|d| d.stealer()).collect();

        let registry = Arc::new(Registry {
            thread_infos: stealers.into_iter().map(|s| ThreadInfo::new(s)).collect(),
            state: Mutex::new(RegistryState::new(inj_worker)),
            sleep: Sleep::new(n_threads),
            job_uninjector: inj_stealer,
            terminate_latch: CountLatch::new(),
            panic_handler: builder.take_panic_handler(),
            deadlock_handler: builder.take_deadlock_handler(),
            start_handler: builder.take_start_handler(),
            main_handler: builder.take_main_handler(),
            exit_handler: builder.take_exit_handler(),
            acquire_thread_handler: builder.take_acquire_thread_handler(),
            release_thread_handler: builder.take_release_thread_handler(),

        // If we return early or panic, make sure to terminate existing threads.
        let t1000 = Terminator(&registry);

        for (index, worker) in workers.into_iter().enumerate() {
            let registry = registry.clone();
            let mut b = thread::Builder::new();
            if let Some(name) = builder.get_thread_name(index) {
                b =;
            if let Some(stack_size) = builder.get_stack_size() {
                b = b.stack_size(stack_size);
            if let Err(e) =
                b.spawn(move || unsafe { main_loop(worker, registry, index, breadth_first) })
                return Err(ThreadPoolBuildError::new(ErrorKind::IOError(e)));

        // Returning normally now, without termination.


    pub fn global() -> Arc<Registry> {

    pub fn current() -> Arc<Registry> {
        unsafe {
            let worker_thread = WorkerThread::current();
            if worker_thread.is_null() {
            } else {

    /// Returns the number of threads in the current registry.  This
    /// is better than `Registry::current().num_threads()` because it
    /// avoids incrementing the `Arc`.
    pub fn current_num_threads() -> usize {
        unsafe {
            let worker_thread = WorkerThread::current();
            if worker_thread.is_null() {
            } else {

    /// Returns an opaque identifier for this registry.
    pub fn id(&self) -> RegistryId {
        // We can rely on `self` not to change since we only ever create
        // registries that are boxed up in an `Arc` (see `new()` above).
        RegistryId {
            addr: self as *const Self as usize,

    pub fn num_threads(&self) -> usize {

    pub fn handle_panic(&self, err: Box<Any + Send>) {
        match self.panic_handler {
            Some(ref handler) => {
                // If the customizable panic handler itself panics,
                // then we abort.
                let abort_guard = unwind::AbortIfPanic;
            None => {
                // Default panic handler aborts.
                let _ = unwind::AbortIfPanic; // let this drop.

    /// Waits for the worker threads to get up and running.  This is
    /// meant to be used for benchmarking purposes, primarily, so that
    /// you can get more consistent numbers by having everything
    /// "ready to go".
    pub fn wait_until_primed(&self) {
        for info in &self.thread_infos {

    /// Waits for the worker threads to stop. This is used for testing
    /// -- so we can check that termination actually works.
    pub(crate) fn wait_until_stopped(&self) {
        for info in &self.thread_infos {

    pub(crate) fn acquire_thread(&self) {
        if let Some(ref acquire_thread_handler) = self.acquire_thread_handler {

    pub(crate) fn release_thread(&self) {
        if let Some(ref release_thread_handler) = self.release_thread_handler {

    /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    /// MAIN LOOP
    /// So long as all of the worker threads are hanging out in their
    /// top-level loop, there is no work to be done.

    /// Push a job into the given `registry`. If we are running on a
    /// worker thread for the registry, this will push onto the
    /// deque. Else, it will inject from the outside (which is slower).
    pub fn inject_or_push(&self, job_ref: JobRef) {
        let worker_thread = WorkerThread::current();
        unsafe {
            if !worker_thread.is_null() && (*worker_thread).registry().id() == {
            } else {

    /// Unsafe: the caller must guarantee that `task` will stay valid
    /// until it executes.
    pub unsafe fn submit_task<T>(&self, task: Arc<T>)
        T: Task,
        let task_job = TaskJob::new(task);
        let task_job_ref = TaskJob::into_job_ref(task_job);
        return self.inject_or_push(task_job_ref);

        /// A little newtype wrapper for `T`, just because I did not
        /// want to implement `Job` for all `T: Task`.
        struct TaskJob<T: Task> {
            _data: T,

        impl<T: Task> TaskJob<T> {
            fn new(arc: Arc<T>) -> Arc<Self> {
                // `TaskJob<T>` has the same layout as `T`, so we can safely
                // tranmsute this `T` into a `TaskJob<T>`. This lets us write our
                // impls of `Job` for `TaskJob<T>`, making them more restricted.
                // Since `Job` is a private trait, this is not strictly necessary,
                // I don't think, but makes me feel better.
                unsafe { mem::transmute(arc) }

            pub fn into_task(this: Arc<TaskJob<T>>) -> Arc<T> {
                // Same logic as `new()`
                unsafe { mem::transmute(this) }

            unsafe fn into_job_ref(this: Arc<Self>) -> JobRef {
                let this: *const Self = mem::transmute(this);

        impl<T: Task> Job for TaskJob<T> {
            unsafe fn execute(this: *const Self) {
                let this: Arc<Self> = mem::transmute(this);
                let task: Arc<T> = TaskJob::into_task(this);

    /// Push a job into the "external jobs" queue; it will be taken by
    /// whatever worker has nothing to do. Use this is you know that
    /// you are not on a worker of this registry.
    pub fn inject(&self, injected_jobs: &[JobRef]) {
        log!(InjectJobs {
            count: injected_jobs.len()
            let state = self.state.lock().unwrap();

            // It should not be possible for `state.terminate` to be true
            // here. It is only set to true when the user creates (and
            // drops) a `ThreadPool`; and, in that case, they cannot be
            // calling `inject()` later, since they dropped their
            // `ThreadPool`.
                "inject() sees state.terminate as true"

            for &job_ref in injected_jobs {

    fn pop_injected_job(&self, worker_index: usize) -> Option<JobRef> {
        loop {
            match self.job_uninjector.steal() {
                Steal::Empty => return None,
                Steal::Data(d) => {
                    log!(UninjectedWork {
                        worker: worker_index
                    return Some(d);
                Steal::Retry => {}

    /// If already in a worker-thread of this registry, just execute `op`.
    /// Otherwise, inject `op` in this thread-pool. Either way, block until `op`
    /// completes and return its return value. If `op` panics, that panic will
    /// be propagated as well.  The second argument indicates `true` if injection
    /// was performed, `false` if executed directly.
    pub fn in_worker<OP, R>(&self, op: OP) -> R
        OP: FnOnce(&WorkerThread, bool) -> R + Send,
        R: Send,
        unsafe {
            let worker_thread = WorkerThread::current();
            if worker_thread.is_null() {
            } else if (*worker_thread).registry().id() != {
                self.in_worker_cross(&*worker_thread, op)
            } else {
                // Perfectly valid to give them a `&T`: this is the
                // current thread, so we know the data structure won't be
                // invalidated until we return.
                op(&*worker_thread, false)

    unsafe fn in_worker_cold<OP, R>(&self, op: OP) -> R
        OP: FnOnce(&WorkerThread, bool) -> R + Send,
        R: Send,
        // This thread isn't a member of *any* thread pool, so just block.
        let job = StackJob::new(
            |injected| {
                let worker_thread = WorkerThread::current();
                assert!(injected && !worker_thread.is_null());
                op(&*worker_thread, true)

    unsafe fn in_worker_cross<OP, R>(&self, current_thread: &WorkerThread, op: OP) -> R
        OP: FnOnce(&WorkerThread, bool) -> R + Send,
        R: Send,
        // This thread is a member of a different pool, so let it process
        // other work while waiting for this `op` to complete.
        debug_assert!(current_thread.registry().id() !=;
        let latch = TickleLatch::new(SpinLatch::new(), &current_thread.registry().sleep);
        let job = StackJob::new(
            |injected| {
                let worker_thread = WorkerThread::current();
                assert!(injected && !worker_thread.is_null());
                op(&*worker_thread, true)

    /// Increment the terminate counter. This increment should be
    /// balanced by a call to `terminate`, which will decrement. This
    /// is used when spawning asynchronous work, which needs to
    /// prevent the registry from terminating so long as it is active.
    /// Note that blocking functions such as `join` and `scope` do not
    /// need to concern themselves with this fn; their context is
    /// responsible for ensuring the current thread-pool will not
    /// terminate until they return.
    /// The global thread-pool always has an outstanding reference
    /// (the initial one). Custom thread-pools have one outstanding
    /// reference that is dropped when the `ThreadPool` is dropped:
    /// since installing the thread-pool blocks until any joins/scopes
    /// complete, this ensures that joins/scopes are covered.
    /// The exception is `::spawn()`, which can create a job outside
    /// of any blocking scope. In that case, the job itself holds a
    /// terminate count and is responsible for invoking `terminate()`
    /// when finished.
    pub fn increment_terminate_count(&self) {

    /// Signals that the thread-pool which owns this registry has been
    /// dropped. The worker threads will gradually terminate, once any
    /// extant work is completed.
    pub fn terminate(&self) {

/// Mark a Rayon worker thread as blocked. This triggers the deadlock handler
/// if no other worker thread is active
pub fn mark_blocked() {
    let worker_thread = WorkerThread::current();
    unsafe {
        let registry = &(*worker_thread).registry;

/// Mark a previously blocked Rayon worker thread as unblocked
pub fn mark_unblocked(registry: &Registry) {

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct RegistryId {
    addr: usize,

impl RegistryState {
    pub fn new(job_injector: Deque<JobRef>) -> RegistryState {
        RegistryState {
            job_injector: job_injector,

struct ThreadInfo {
    /// Latch set once thread has started and we are entering into the
    /// main loop. Used to wait for worker threads to become primed,
    /// primarily of interest for benchmarking.
    primed: LockLatch,

    /// Latch is set once worker thread has completed. Used to wait
    /// until workers have stopped; only used for tests.
    stopped: LockLatch,

    /// the "stealer" half of the worker's deque
    stealer: Stealer<JobRef>,

impl ThreadInfo {
    fn new(stealer: Stealer<JobRef>) -> ThreadInfo {
        ThreadInfo {
            primed: LockLatch::new(),
            stopped: LockLatch::new(),
            stealer: stealer,

/// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// WorkerThread identifiers

pub struct WorkerThread {
    /// the "worker" half of our local deque
    worker: Deque<JobRef>,

    pub(crate) index: usize,

    /// are these workers configured to steal breadth-first or not?
    breadth_first: bool,

    /// A weak random number generator.
    rng: XorShift64Star,

    pub(crate) registry: Arc<Registry>,

// This is a bit sketchy, but basically: the WorkerThread is
// allocated on the stack of the worker on entry and stored into this
// thread local variable. So it will remain valid at least until the
// worker is fully unwound. Using an unsafe pointer avoids the need
// for a RefCell<T> etc.
thread_local! {
    static WORKER_THREAD_STATE: Cell<*const WorkerThread> =
        Cell::new(0 as *const WorkerThread)

impl WorkerThread {
    /// Gets the `WorkerThread` index for the current thread; returns
    /// NULL if this is not a worker thread. This pointer is valid
    /// anywhere on the current thread.
    pub fn current() -> *const WorkerThread {
        WORKER_THREAD_STATE.with(|t| t.get())

    /// Sets `self` as the worker thread index for the current thread.
    /// This is done during worker thread startup.
    unsafe fn set_current(thread: *const WorkerThread) {
        WORKER_THREAD_STATE.with(|t| {

    /// Returns the registry that owns this worker thread.
    pub fn registry(&self) -> &Arc<Registry> {

    /// Our index amongst the worker threads (ranges from `0..self.num_threads()`).
    pub fn index(&self) -> usize {

    pub unsafe fn push(&self, job: JobRef) {

    pub fn local_deque_is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        self.worker.len() == 0

    /// Attempts to obtain a "local" job -- typically this means
    /// popping from the top of the stack, though if we are configured
    /// for breadth-first execution, it would mean dequeuing from the
    /// bottom.
    pub unsafe fn take_local_job(&self) -> Option<JobRef> {
        if !self.breadth_first {
        } else {
            loop {
                match self.worker.steal() {
                    Steal::Empty => return None,
                    Steal::Data(d) => return Some(d),
                    Steal::Retry => {}

    /// Wait until the latch is set. Try to keep busy by popping and
    /// stealing tasks as necessary.
    pub unsafe fn wait_until<L: LatchProbe + ?Sized>(&self, latch: &L) {
        log!(WaitUntil { worker: self.index });
        if !latch.probe() {

    unsafe fn wait_until_cold<L: LatchProbe + ?Sized>(&self, latch: &L) {
        // the code below should swallow all panics and hence never
        // unwind; but if something does wrong, we want to abort,
        // because otherwise other code in rayon may assume that the
        // latch has been signaled, and that can lead to random memory
        // accesses, which would be *very bad*
        let abort_guard = unwind::AbortIfPanic;

        let mut yields = 0;
        while !latch.probe() {
            // Try to find some work to do. We give preference first
            // to things in our local deque, then in other workers
            // deques, and finally to injected jobs from the
            // outside. The idea is to finish what we started before
            // we take on something new.
            if let Some(job) = self
                .or_else(|| self.steal())
                .or_else(|| self.registry.pop_injected_job(self.index))
                yields = self.registry.sleep.work_found(self.index, yields);
            } else {
                yields = self.registry.sleep.no_work_found(

        // If we were sleepy, we are not anymore. We "found work" --
        // whatever the surrounding thread was doing before it had to
        // wait.
        self.registry.sleep.work_found(self.index, yields);

        log!(LatchSet { worker: self.index });
        mem::forget(abort_guard); // successful execution, do not abort

    pub unsafe fn execute(&self, job: JobRef) {

        // Subtle: executing this job will have `set()` some of its
        // latches.  This may mean that a sleepy (or sleeping) worker
        // can now make progress. So we have to tickle them to let
        // them know.

    /// Try to steal a single job and return it.
    /// This should only be done as a last resort, when there is no
    /// local work to do.
    unsafe fn steal(&self) -> Option<JobRef> {
        // we only steal when we don't have any work to do locally

        // otherwise, try to steal
        let num_threads = self.registry.thread_infos.len();
        if num_threads <= 1 {
            return None;

        let start = self.rng.next_usize(num_threads);
            .filter(|&i| i != self.index)
            .filter_map(|victim_index| {
                let victim = &self.registry.thread_infos[victim_index];
                loop {
                    match victim.stealer.steal() {
                        Steal::Empty => return None,
                        Steal::Data(d) => {
                            log!(StoleWork {
                                worker: self.index,
                                victim: victim_index
                            return Some(d);
                        Steal::Retry => {}

/// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

unsafe fn main_loop(
    worker: Deque<JobRef>,
    registry: Arc<Registry>,
    index: usize,
    breadth_first: bool,
) {
    let worker_thread = WorkerThread {
        worker: worker,
        breadth_first: breadth_first,
        index: index,
        rng: XorShift64Star::new(),
        registry: registry.clone(),

    // let registry know we are ready to do work

    // Worker threads should not panic. If they do, just abort, as the
    // internal state of the threadpool is corrupted. Note that if
    // **user code** panics, we should catch that and redirect.
    let abort_guard = unwind::AbortIfPanic;

    // Inform a user callback that we started a thread.
    if let Some(ref handler) = registry.start_handler {
        let registry = registry.clone();
        match unwind::halt_unwinding(|| handler(index)) {
            Ok(()) => {}
            Err(err) => {

    let mut work = || {


    if let Some(ref handler) = registry.main_handler {
        match unwind::halt_unwinding(|| handler(index, &mut work)) {
            Ok(()) => {
            Err(err) => {
    } else {

    // Should not be any work left in our queue.

    // let registry know we are done

    // Normal termination, do not abort.

    // Inform a user callback that we exited a thread.
    if let Some(ref handler) = registry.exit_handler {
        let registry = registry.clone();
        match unwind::halt_unwinding(|| handler(index)) {
            Ok(()) => {}
            Err(err) => {
        // We're already exiting the thread, there's nothing else to do.


/// If already in a worker-thread, just execute `op`.  Otherwise,
/// execute `op` in the default thread-pool. Either way, block until
/// `op` completes and return its return value. If `op` panics, that
/// panic will be propagated as well.  The second argument indicates
/// `true` if injection was performed, `false` if executed directly.
pub fn in_worker<OP, R>(op: OP) -> R
    OP: FnOnce(&WorkerThread, bool) -> R + Send,
    R: Send,
    unsafe {
        let owner_thread = WorkerThread::current();
        if !owner_thread.is_null() {
            // Perfectly valid to give them a `&T`: this is the
            // current thread, so we know the data structure won't be
            // invalidated until we return.
            op(&*owner_thread, false)
        } else {

/// [xorshift*] is a fast pseudorandom number generator which will
/// even tolerate weak seeding, as long as it's not zero.
/// [xorshift*]:*
struct XorShift64Star {
    state: Cell<u64>,

impl XorShift64Star {
    fn new() -> Self {
        // Any non-zero seed will do -- this uses the hash of a global counter.
        let mut seed = 0;
        while seed == 0 {
            let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new();
            static COUNTER: AtomicUsize = ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT;
            hasher.write_usize(COUNTER.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed));
            seed = hasher.finish();

        XorShift64Star {
            state: Cell::new(seed),

    fn next(&self) -> u64 {
        let mut x = self.state.get();
        debug_assert_ne!(x, 0);
        x ^= x >> 12;
        x ^= x << 25;
        x ^= x >> 27;

    /// Return a value from `0..n`.
    fn next_usize(&self, n: usize) -> usize {
        ( % n as u64) as usize