rustc-ap-rustc_target 364.0.0

Automatically published version of the package `rustc_target` in the rust-lang/rust repository from commit 4314dbaa761d463d136592ab7fc9cdae46c8cc2a The publishing script for this crate lives at:
use abi::call::{ArgType, FnType, Reg, Uniform};
use abi::{HasDataLayout, LayoutOf, Size, TyLayoutMethods};

fn classify_ret_ty<'a, Ty, C>(cx: &C, ret: &mut ArgType<Ty>, offset: &mut Size)
    where Ty: TyLayoutMethods<'a, C>, C: LayoutOf<Ty = Ty> + HasDataLayout
    if !ret.layout.is_aggregate() {
    } else {
        *offset += cx.data_layout().pointer_size;

fn classify_arg_ty<'a, Ty, C>(cx: &C, arg: &mut ArgType<Ty>, offset: &mut Size)
    where Ty: TyLayoutMethods<'a, C>, C: LayoutOf<Ty = Ty> + HasDataLayout
    let dl = cx.data_layout();
    let size = arg.layout.size;
    let align = arg.layout.align.max(dl.i32_align).min(dl.i64_align).abi;

    if arg.layout.is_aggregate() {
        arg.cast_to(Uniform {
            unit: Reg::i32(),
            total: size
        if !offset.is_aligned(align) {
    } else {

    *offset = offset.align_to(align) + size.align_to(align);

pub fn compute_abi_info<'a, Ty, C>(cx: &C, fty: &mut FnType<Ty>)
    where Ty: TyLayoutMethods<'a, C>, C: LayoutOf<Ty = Ty> + HasDataLayout
    let mut offset = Size::ZERO;
    if !fty.ret.is_ignore() {
        classify_ret_ty(cx, &mut fty.ret, &mut offset);

    for arg in &mut fty.args {
        if arg.is_ignore() { continue; }
        classify_arg_ty(cx, arg, &mut offset);