rustc-ap-rustc_data_structures 671.0.0

Automatically published version of the package `rustc_data_structures` in the rust-lang/rust repository from commit 1454bbd4fdac9b7272b93fe82860613dccc0afad The publishing script for this crate lives at:
use super::*;

fn test_encode() {
    fn test(n: u128, base: usize) {
        assert_eq!(Ok(n), u128::from_str_radix(&encode(n, base), base as u32));

    for base in 2..37 {
        test(0, base);
        test(1, base);
        test(35, base);
        test(36, base);
        test(37, base);
        test(u64::MAX as u128, base);
        test(u128::MAX, base);

        for i in 0..1_000 {
            test(i * 983, base);