macro_rules! dbus_variant_sig {
    ($vname: ident, $($name: ident => $typ: path);+) => { ... };
Expand description

NOTE: There are derive proc-macros for enums. These should preferably be used because these macros are likely to be deprecated and removed. The proc-macros do not yet support the Catchall cases. So if you need those feel free to keep using these macros for now. Deprecation/Removal will only take place once the proc-macros are functionally equal to these macros.

This macro provides a convenient way to create enums to represent relatively simple Variants, with fitting marshal/unmarshal implementations. It can be used like this:

   type Map = std::collections::HashMap<String, (i32, u8, (u64, MyVariant))>;
   type Struct = (u32, u32, MyVariant);
   dbus_variant_sig!(MyVariant, CaseMap => Map; CaseStruct => Struct);

And it will generate an enum like this:

enum MyVariant {

The Catchall case is used for unmarshalling, when encountering a Value that did not match any of the other cases. The generated marshal impl will refuse to marshal the Catchall case! If you want to have a case for a signature you need to make it explicitly.

Current limitations

  1. References like &str are not supported