rustbus 0.8.0

An implementation of the dbus protocol


Rustbus is a dbus library that allows for RPC on services on the bus or to implement your own service that listens on the bus. There are some examples in the src/bin directory but the gist is:

use rustbus::{get_session_bus_path, standard_messages, Conn, MessageBuilder, client_conn::Timeout};

fn main() -> Result<(), rustbus::client_conn::Error> {
// Connect to the session bus
let session_path = get_session_bus_path()?;
let con = Conn::connect_to_bus(session_path, true)?;

// Wrap the con in an RpcConnection which provides many convenient functions
let mut rpc_con = rustbus::client_conn::RpcConn::new(con);

// send the obligatory hello message
rpc_con.send_message(&mut standard_messages::hello(), Timeout::Infinite)?;

// Request a bus name if you want to
rpc_con.send_message(&mut standard_messages::request_name(
), Timeout::Infinite)?;

// send a signal to all bus members
let mut sig = MessageBuilder::new()

sig.body.push_param("Signal message!").unwrap();
rpc_con.send_message(&mut sig, Timeout::Infinite)?;

To add parameters to messages there are currently two possibilities:

  1. Using the explicit nested structs/enums from rustbus::params
  2. Using the (Un-)Marshal trait exported as rustbus::(Un-)Marshal

The first will work for any and everything you might want to marshal, but is a bit more work to actually setup. It is also slower than the Marshal trait. So for most applications I would recommend the newer, faster, and more ergonomic trait based approach.