[][src]Crate rustbus


Rustbus is a dbus library that allows for RPC on services on the bus or to implement your own service that listens on the bus. There are some examples in the src/bin directory but the gist is:

use rustbus::{get_session_bus_path, standard_messages, Conn, MessageBuilder, client_conn::Timeout};

fn main() -> Result<(), rustbus::client_conn::Error> {
    // Connect to the session bus
    let session_path = get_session_bus_path()?;
    let con = Conn::connect_to_bus(session_path, true)?;

    // Wrap the con in an RpcConnection which provides many convenient functions
    let mut rpc_con = rustbus::client_conn::RpcConn::new(con);

    // send the obligatory hello message
    rpc_con.send_message(&mut standard_messages::hello(), Timeout::Infinite)?;

    // Request a bus name if you want to
    rpc_con.send_message(&mut standard_messages::request_name(
    ), Timeout::Infinite)?;

    // send a signal to all bus members
    let mut sig = MessageBuilder::new()
    sig.body.push_param("Signal message!").unwrap();
    rpc_con.send_message(&mut sig, Timeout::Infinite)?;

To add parameters to messages there are currently two possibilities:

  1. Using the explicit nested structs/enums from rustbus::params
  2. Using the (Un-)Marshal trait exported as rustbus::(Un-)Marshal

The first will work for any and everything you might want to marshal, but is a bit more work to actually setup. It is also slower than the Marshal trait. So for most applications I would recommend the newer, faster, and more ergonomic trait based approach.


pub use message_builder::MessageType;
pub use client_conn::get_session_bus_path;
pub use client_conn::get_system_bus_path;
pub use client_conn::Conn;
pub use client_conn::RpcConn;
pub use message_builder::CallBuilder;
pub use message_builder::MessageBuilder;
pub use message_builder::SignalBuilder;
pub use wire::marshal::traits::Marshal;
pub use wire::marshal::traits::Signature;
pub use wire::unmarshal::traits::Unmarshal;



Deals with authentication to the other side. You probably do not need this.


The connection stuff you probably want to use. Conn is the lowlevel abstraction RpcConn is the higher level wrapper with convenience functions over the Conn struct.


Helps in building messages conveniently


Map dbus concepts 1:1 to enums/structs


This module implemets the org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer


Everything needed to deal with dbus signatures


Some standard messages that are often needed


Everything that deals with converting from/to raw bytes. You probably do not need this.



The supported byte orders


The different errors that can occur when dealing with messages