Trait rust_tokenizers::vocab::Vocab[][src]

pub trait Vocab {
Show methods fn unknown_value() -> &'static str;
fn get_unknown_value(&self) -> &'static str;
fn values(&self) -> &HashMap<String, i64>;
fn indices(&self) -> &HashMap<i64, String>;
fn special_values(&self) -> &HashMap<String, i64>;
fn special_indices(&self) -> &HashMap<i64, String>;
fn from_file(path: &str) -> Result<Self, TokenizerError>
        Self: Sized
fn token_to_id(&self, token: &str) -> i64;
fn id_to_token(&self, id: &i64) -> String; fn read_vocab_file(
        path: &str
    ) -> Result<HashMap<String, i64>, TokenizerError> { ... }
fn _token_to_id(
        token: &str,
        values: &HashMap<String, i64>,
        special_values: &HashMap<String, i64>,
        unknown_value: &str
    ) -> i64 { ... }
fn _id_to_token(
        id: &i64,
        indices: &HashMap<i64, String>,
        special_indices: &HashMap<i64, String>,
        unknown_value: &str
    ) -> String { ... }
fn _register_as_special_value(
        token: &str,
        values: &HashMap<String, i64>,
        special_values: &mut HashMap<String, i64>
    ) -> Result<(), TokenizerError> { ... }
fn convert_tokens_to_ids(&self, tokens: &[&str]) -> Vec<i64> { ... }
Expand description

Base Vocab trait

Defines a common interface to the vocabularies for use in the tokenizers.

Required methods

Associative function returning the unknown value for the vocabulary

Returns the unknown value on an instance

Return the map of token strings to IDs

Return the map of token IDs to strings

Return the map of token strings to IDs

Return the map of token IDs to strings for special values

Read a vocabulary from file


use rust_tokenizers::vocab::{BertVocab, Vocab};
let path = "path/to/file";

let base_vocab = BertVocab::from_file(path);

Converts a token to an id.


  • token (&str): token to convert


  • i64: token index for the value provided. If not found in the indices, returns the unknown token index

Converts an id to a token.


  • id (&i64): token id to convert


  • String: token value for the index provided. If not found in the indices, returns the unknown token value

Provided methods

Read a Bert-style vocab.txt file (single column, one token per line) The from_file method should be preferred, and needs to be implemented by the specific vocabularies

Converts a token to an id, provided a HashMap of values, a HashMap of special values and the unknown value token string representation. This is not meant to be directly used, the method token_to_id offers a more convenient interface for most vocabularies, but needs to be implemented by the specific vocabulary.


  • token (&str): token to convert
  • values (&HashMap<String, i64>): mapping from tokens to ids
  • special_values (&HashMap<String, i64>): mapping from special tokens to ids
  • unknown_value (&str): unknown token value


  • i64: index value for the provided token

Converts an id to a token, provided a HashMap of values, a HashMap of special values and the unknown value token string representation. This is not meant to be directly used, the method id_to_token offers a more convenient interface for most vocabularies, but needs to be implemented by the specific vocabulary.


  • id (&i64): token id to convert
  • indices (&HashMap<i64, String>): mapping from tokens to ids
  • special_indices (&HashMap<i64, String>): mapping from special tokens to ids
  • unknown_value (&str): unknown token value


  • String: token value for the index provided. If not found in the indices, returns the unknown token value

Register a token as a special value


  • token (&str): token to register as a special value
  • values (&HashMap<String, i64>): mapping from tokens to ids. This should contain the token to add and will be used to read the id for registration in special_values
  • special_values (&HashMap<String, i64>): mapping from special tokens to ids

Converts a list of tokens to a list of indices.


  • tokens (&[&str]): list of tokens to convert


  • Vec<i64>: Vector containing the indices for the tokens provided


Read a Roberta-style vocab.json file