rust_cast 0.11.0

Library that allows you to communicate with Google Cast enabled devices (e.g. Chromecast).
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# Usage
* [Documentation]
* Try out [Rust Caster] to see this crate in action!

# DNS TXT Record description

* `md` - Model Name (e.g. "Chromecast");
* `id` - UUID without hyphens of the particular device (e.g. xx12x3x456xx789xx01xx234x56789x0);
* `fn` - Friendly Name of the device (e.g. "Living Room"); 
* `rs` - Unknown (recent share???) (e.g. "Youtube TV");
* `bs` - Uknonwn (e.g. "XX1XXX2X3456");
* `st` - Unknown (e.g. "1");
* `ca` - Unknown (e.g. "1234");
* `ic` - Icon path (e.g. "/setup/icon.png");
* `ve` - Version (e.g. "04").

# Model names

* `Chromecast` - Regular chromecast, supports video/audio;
* `Chromecast Audio` - Chromecast Audio device, supports only audio.

# Useful links and sources of inspiration

* [DIAL Protocol];
* [An implementation of the Chromecast CASTV2 protocol in JS];
* [Chromecast - steps closer to a python native api];