Module rust_rsm::rsm

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RSM = Realtime Software Middleware Introduction

Realtime system is defined as a system that can response the external request in certain deterministic time. To achieve this goal in generic computer systems, we must adopt a realtime shcedule policy on the software system, and keep from some time-consuming operation such as synchronous I/O operation, memory garbage collection and lock.

RSM is a lightweight realtime middleware implementation written in rust, support event-driven, message oriented lock-free programming principle. in RSM, every software module is a component, which is normally a Finite State Machine, mainly proccess event loop. Each component can be instantiated to several tasks, and each task mapped to a dedicated OS thread and has its own message queue.

Developer can set the task’s schedule priority and their message queue length respectively,usually based on the service model and performance & latency requirements.

RSM is suitable for the following applications:

  • network device control plane, e.g. routing protocol, service control
  • embedded system application
  • remote control system
  • realtime telemetry and instrumentation



each RSM component must implement the rsm::Runnable trait and provides a task creation Callback function.

the code in is a sample RSM application implementation.

pub trait Runnable {

fn on_init(&mut self,cid:&rsm_component_t);

fn on_timer(&mut self,cid:&rsm_component_t,timer_id:rsm_timer_id_t,timer_data:usize);

fn on_message(&mut self,cid:&rsm_component_t,msg_id:rsm_message_id_t,msg:&rsm_message_t);

fn on_close(&mut self,cid:&rsm_component_t);


type rsm_new_task=fn(cid:&rsm_component_t)->&’static mut dyn Runnable

Initialize the RSM

using rsm_init function to init the rsm system, then the applicaition can register their components to RSM.

rsm_init_cfg_t is the RSM’s configuration file, which is in json format. rsm_init(conf:&config::rsm_init_cfg_t)->errcode::RESULT

pub fn registry_component(cid:u32,attrs:&component_attrs_t,callback:rsm_new_task)->errcode::RESULT

After the component registration is finished, the start_rsm() function should be called to running the system.


every running task can be identified uniquely by rsm_component_t

task can send message to each other, with normal message or a high priority message pub fn send_asyn_msg(dst:&rsm_component_t,msg:rsm_message_t)->errcode::RESUL

pub fn send_asyn_priority_msg(dst:&rsm_component_t,msg:rsm_message_t)->errcode::RESULT

for the receiver side, the application use msg.decode::(v) to restore the message to application defined type

RSM also provides a timer service, application can set timer simply by calling set_timer function, once the timer is set and expired, rsm task will receive a on_timer event, which is defined in the Runnable trait.

pub fn set_timer(dur_msec:u64,loop_count:u64,timer_data:usize)->Option<rsm_timer_id_t> pub fn kill_timer_by_id(timer_id:rsm_timer_id_t)->errcode::RESULT


Developer and user can use rest api get running status and statistics

Built in api

help,curl get task running status, curl get component configuration,curl

Application defined OAM API

application Module must implement OamReqCallBack function, and invoke RegisterOamModule to register self OamReqCallBack=fn(op:E_RSM_OAM_OP,url:&String,param:&String)->oam_cmd_resp_t

register a module callback, urls is a list of rest api url, the prefix /rsm and id following a “?” are not included RegisterOamModule(urls:&String, callback:OamReqCallBack)

Other service& lib function

xlog service

xlog service is based on client/server architecture, the client side simple send log message to the server which responsible for log file manipulation, keeping from write disk under the application’s context, which is very important for the realtime application.

let log = rsm::new_xlog(module_name:&str)->xlog::xlogger_t;

log.Errorf(postion, err, logDesc);

Other thread safe algorithm and data structure

  • spin_lock_t, Atomic operation based lock.
  • AtomicQueue, based on spin_lock
  • TsIdAllocator, thread safe Id allocator
  • bitmap
  • ethernet packet parser
  • Ip routing table
  • several other network function and object wrapper


#oam oam is a lightweight operation and maintenance frame work for RSM oam provide REST API to external system, and each component can register oam call back function oam’s REST Server normally bind to, the API URL with a /rsm prefix **curl**help get task running status, *curl get component configuration,curl
#xlog xlog is comprise of a xlog server and multiple xlog clients, which can be configured with different log filter level application’s log message can be send to the server only when the log level higher than the log filter level each application module can create their own xlog client instance, then calling xlog client method to process log, xlog client using UDP socket to send json formatted message to xlog server, then xlog server filter the log by configured filter level after receiving client’s log message, the write to the disk periodically


describe the component attribute while register to the RSM
identifier for a software module running instance, include the software module unique id and an instance id in RSM, every software module running instance(component instance or task) is a Finite State Machine(FSM), which mapped to an OS native thread, process message event loop
message object


describe the task schedule priority, the REALTIME Priority is mapped to Linux/Windows Realtime priority


system & user cid scope definition
maximum instance number per cid
allowed max message length
allowed max message queue len
predefined rsm system message for inner use, application should not use these message id
end of the CID reserved for system use
start of the CID reserved for system use
end of the rsm message id using by system
begin of the rsm message id using by system
user message ID start, application should use message id large than this value
socket has been closed by remote peer
new socket created, usually a tcp client connection
socket is readable
socket is writable


Component must implement the Runnable Trait


get self component id
get the sender cid under the message receive context
stop the timer, given the timer_id returned by set_timer function
create a xlog client instance, then using the instance to output logs
power_on or init_ack, to keep task start order, not implement yet
Register a component to RSM, with the configuration is specified by attrs parameter callback is a TASK creation call back function, which is invoke by RSM before schedule the task instance
initialize rsm subsystem, which should be called before register any component
send asyn message, normally put into the receiver’s message queue
send high priority asyn message, this type message is ensure delivery to the component before other normal message
set a timer, loop for loop_count times every dur_msec milliseconds. if loop_count is 0, the timer will not stop util application kill the timer
after application initialize RSM and register all their running component, then invoke start_rsm

Type Definitions

socket event definition
RSM common Type definition
Task create callback function, which must return a valid object reference implement Runnale trait
timer id type