[][src]Crate pushrod

Pushrod is a Cross Platform UI Widget Library for Rust.

It is intended to be lightweight, easy to use, and easy to understand. Pushrod draws inspiration from 16-bit GUI-based systems and other libraries over the years.

Pushrod uses Piston as its main window drawing and event loop functionality. It utilizes piston2d-opengl graphics so that - eventually - the graphics can be represented as 3D poly objects with textures as canvases. It also utilizes the gfx_core library for graphics functionality, as well as the gfx_device_gl support.

Pushrod uses the following dependencies:

This example is not tested
piston_window = "^0.89.0"
find_folder = "^0.3.0"



Main module containing the run loop for the UI components, containers for windows and Widget trait objects, and so on. Contains the core elements required to build a UI.


Companion module used to define and trigger system-wide events. Uses an event masking style similar to the Atari ST GEM series: event masks can be used to tell the Pushrod run loop which events the programmer desires to receive.


Widget library used for on-screen UI interaction. This is a core set of Widget objects that are used to allow users to interact with an application. Contains a core set of widgets that can be extended.