rust-music-theory 0.1.6

A library that procedurally implements music theory notions like Scale, Chord, Interval, Note

Rust Music Theory

Build Status

A library and executable that provides programmatic implementation of the basis of the music theory.

Table of Contents


Rust Music Theory is used to procedurally utilize music theory notions like Note, Chord, Scale, Interval and more. The main purpose of this library is to let music theory be used in other programs and produce music/audio in a programmatic way.

Usage as a Library

Add rust-music-theory as a dependency in your Cargo.toml.

rust-music-theory = "0.1"

After installing the dependencies, you can use the library as follows.

extern crate rust_music_theory as rmt;
use rmt::note::{Note, Notes, PitchClass};
use rmt::scale::{Scale, ScaleType, Mode};
use rmt::chord::{Chord, Number as ChordNumber, Quality as ChordQuality};

// to create a Note, specify a pitch class and an octave;
let note = Note::new(PitchClass::As, 4);

// Scale Example;
let scale = Scale::new(
    ScaleType::Diatonic,    // scale type
    PitchClass::C,          // tonic
    4,                      // octave
    Some(Mode::Ionian),     // scale mode

// returns a Vector of the Notes of the scale
let scale_notes = scale.notes();

// Chord Example;
let chord = Chord::new(PitchClass::C, ChordQuality::Major, ChordNumber::Triad);

// returns a Vector of the Notes of the chord
let chord_notes = chord.notes();

This is the simplest form of the usage. For detailed examples, please see the tests folder.

Usage as an Executable

The binary is implemented as a regex parser cli that returns the notes of the given scale/chord. To quickly build and run the executable locally;

git clone && cd rust-music-theory

cargo run scale D Locrian

  1: D
  2: D#
  3: F
  4: G
  5: G#
  6: A#
  7: C
  8: D

cargo run chord C# Dominant Eleventh

  1: C#
  2: F
  3: G#
  4: B
  5: D#
  6: G

cargo run scale list

Available Scales:
 - Major|Ionian
 - Minor|Aeolian
 - Dorian
 - Phrygian
 - Lydian
 - Mixolydian
 - Locrian
 - Harmonic Minor
 - Melodic Minor

cargo run chord list

Available chords:
 - Major Triad
 - Minor Triad
 - Suspended2 Triad
 - Suspended4 Triad
 - Augmented Triad
 - Diminished Triad
 - Major Seventh
 - Minor Seventh
 - Augmented Seventh
 - Augmented Major Seventh
 - Diminished Seventh
 - Half Diminished Seventh
 - Minor Major Seventh
 - Dominant Seventh
 - Dominant Ninth
 - Major Ninth
 - Dominant Eleventh
 - Major Eleventh
 - Minor Eleventh
 - Dominant Thirteenth
 - Major Thirteenth
 - Minor Thirteenth