rust-mqtt 0.1.5

MQTT client for both embedded and non-embedded devices



Rust-mqtt is native MQTT client for both std and no_std environments. Client library provides async API which can be used with various executors. Currently, supporting only MQTTv5 but everything is prepared to extend support also for MQTTv3 which is planned during year 2022.

Async executors

For desktop usage I recommend using Tokio async executor and for embedded there is prepared wrapper for Drogue device framework in the Drogue-IoT project examples mqtt module.


Client supports following:

  • QoS 0 & QoS 1 (All QoS 2 packets are mapped for future client extension)
  • Only clean session
  • Retain not supported
  • Auth packet not supported
  • Packet size is not limited, it is totally up to user (packet size and buffer sizes have to align)


cargo build

Running tests

Integration tests are written using tokio network tcp stack and can be find under tokio_net.

cargo test unit
cargo test integration
cargo test load


This project could not be in state in which currently is without Ulf Lilleengen and rest of the community from Drogue IoT.


For any information contact me on email