rust-macios 0.4.2

Apple Frameworks for Rust
use objc::{msg_send, sel, sel_impl};

use crate::{object, objective_c_runtime::{

object! {
    /// An object that supports Cocoa’s reference-counted memory management system.
    unsafe pub struct NSAutoreleasePool;

impl NSAutoreleasePool {
    /* Managing a Pool

    /// In a reference-counted environment, releases and pops the receiver; in
    /// a garbage-collected environment, triggers garbage collection if the
    /// memory allocated since the last collection is greater than the current
    /// threshold.
    pub fn drain(&mut self) {
        unsafe { msg_send![self.m_self(), drain] }

    /// Adds a given object to the active autorelease pool in the current thread.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `object` - The object to be added to the pool in the current thread.
    pub fn add_object(&mut self, object: id) {
        unsafe { msg_send![self.m_self(), addObject: object] }

impl Default for NSAutoreleasePool {
    fn default() -> Self {