rust-lapper 0.2.0

A fast and easy library for interval overlap library

# rust-lapper



This is a rust port of Brent Pendersen's
[nim-lapper]( It has a few notable
differences, mostly that the find and seek methods both return
iterators, so all adaptor methods may be used normally.

## Example

use rust_lapper::{Interval, Lapper};
use std::cmp;

type Iv = Interval<u32>;
fn main() {
    // create some fake data
    let data: Vec<Iv> = (0..20).step_by(5).map(|x| Iv{start: x, stop: x + 2, val: 0}).collect();
    println!("{:#?}", data);

    // make lapper structure
    let laps = Lapper::new(data);

    assert_eq!(laps.find(6, 11).next(), Some(&Iv{start: 5, stop: 7, val: 0}));

    let mut sim: i32 = 0;
    let mut cursor = 0;
    // Calculate the overlap between the query and the found intervals, sum total overlap
    for i in (0..10).step_by(3) {
        sim += laps
            .seek(i, i + 2, &mut cursor)
            .map(|iv| cmp::min(i + 2, iv.stop) - cmp::max(i, iv.start))
    assert_eq!(sim, 10);