rust-cgui 0.1.15

A low-level cross-platform GUI library
// external functions

pub use super::*;

 * Allocates heap space for a CWin structure and passes a pointer back.
pub extern fn alloc_win() -> *mut CWin {
  return CWin::new().to_ffi_ptr();

pub extern fn alloc_win_detail(title: *const c_char, width: u32, height: u32) -> *mut CWin {
  let title_owned: String = unsafe { // may get null pointer for 'title'
  return CWin::new_detail(title_owned, width, height).to_ffi_ptr();

 * Takes a raw CWin pointer and deallocates it.
 * Deallocation happens when the 'data' variable goes out of scope.
pub extern fn dealloc_win(win_ptr: *mut CWin) {
  unsafe { // unsafe b/c we may get a null pointer for 'win_ptr'
    if win_ptr.is_null() {
    let _data = Box::from_raw(win_ptr);

pub extern fn add_callback(win_ptr: *mut CWin, ffi_fun: extern fn(*mut CWinRep, *const c_char /* event string */)) {
  unsafe { // unsafe b/c we may get a null pointer for 'win_ptr'
    if win_ptr.is_null() {

pub extern fn call_callbacks(win_ptr: *mut CWin, evt_str: *const c_char /* event string */) {
  unsafe { // unsafe b/c we may get a null pointer for 'win_ptr'
    if win_ptr.is_null() {

pub extern fn event_loop(win_ptr: *mut CWin, ) {
  unsafe { // unsafe b/c we may get a null pointer for 'win_ptr'
    if win_ptr.is_null() {

pub extern fn event_tick(win_ptr: *mut CWin, ) -> *const c_char {
  unsafe { // unsafe b/c we may get a null pointer for 'win_ptr'
    if win_ptr.is_null() {
      return null_mut();
    let evt_str = (*win_ptr).event_tick();
    let safe_cstr : CString = CString::new(evt_str).unwrap();
    let cstr_ptr = safe_cstr.as_ptr();
    std::mem::forget(safe_cstr); // Calling C code is responsible for free-ing memory
    return cstr_ptr;

pub extern fn init(win_ptr: *mut CWin, ) {
  unsafe { // unsafe b/c we may get a null pointer for 'win_ptr'
    if win_ptr.is_null() {

pub extern fn set_rep_exit_flag(win_ptr: *mut CWin, val: libc::c_uchar) {
  unsafe { // unsafe b/c we may get a null pointer for 'win_ptr'
    if win_ptr.is_null() {
    println!("set_rep_exit_flag = {}", val != 0);
    (*win_ptr).rep.exit_flag = val != 0;
    // 0 is false, non-zero becomes true.

pub extern fn redraw_dirty(win_ptr: *mut CWin) {
  unsafe { // unsafe b/c we may get a null pointer for 'win_ptr'
    if win_ptr.is_null() {

pub extern fn redraw_box(win_ptr: *mut CWin, x1: u32, y1: u32, x2: u32, y2: u32, ) {
  unsafe { // unsafe b/c we may get a null pointer for 'win_ptr'
    if win_ptr.is_null() {
    (*win_ptr).redraw_box(x1 as usize, y1 as usize, x2 as usize, y2 as usize);

pub extern fn write_px(win_ptr: *mut CWin, x: u32, y: u32, red: libc::c_uchar, green: libc::c_uchar, blue: libc::c_uchar) {
  unsafe { // unsafe b/c we may get a null pointer for 'win_ptr'
    if win_ptr.is_null() {
    (*win_ptr).write_px(x, y, [red as u8, green as u8, blue as u8]);