rust-bert 0.12.0

Ready-to-use NLP pipelines and transformer-based models (BERT, DistilBERT, GPT2,...)

name = "rust-bert"

version = "0.12.0"

authors = ["Guillaume Becquin <>"]

edition = "2018"

description = "Ready-to-use NLP pipelines and transformer-based models (BERT, DistilBERT, GPT2,...)"

repository = ""

documentation = ""

license = "Apache-2.0"

readme = ""

keywords = ["nlp", "deep-learning", "machine-learning", "transformers", "translation"]

# See more keys and their definitions at


name = "rust_bert"

path = "src/"

crate-type = ["lib"]


name = "convert-tensor"

path = "src/"

doc = false


name = "sst2_benchmark"

harness = false


name = "squad_benchmark"

harness = false


name = "summarization_benchmark"

harness = false


name = "translation_benchmark"

harness = false


name = "generation_benchmark"

harness = false


name = "tensor_operations_benchmark"

harness = false


opt-level = 3


doc-only = ["tch/doc-only"]

all-tests = []


features = ["doc-only"]


rust_tokenizers = "~6.1.0"

tch = "~0.3.0"

serde_json = "1.0.59"

serde = { version = "1.0.117", features = ["derive"] }

dirs = "3.0.1"

itertools = "0.9.0"

ordered-float = "2.0.0"

cached-path = "0.4.5"

lazy_static = "1.4.0"

uuid = { version = "0.8.1", features = ["v4"] }

thiserror = "1.0.22"


anyhow = "1.0.34"

csv = "1.1.5"

criterion = "0.3.3"

torch-sys = "0.3.0"

tempfile = "3.1.0"