russell_chk 0.2.0

Functions to check vectors and other data in tests

Russell Chk - Functions to check vectors and other data in tests

This crate is part of Russell - Rust Scientific Library

This repository implements macros to assist in tests (numerical checks).



Add this to your Cargo.toml:

russell_chk = "*"


Check float point numbers

use russell_chk::*;

fn main() {
    assert_approx_eq!(0.123456789, 0.12345678, 1e-8);
    assert_approx_eq!(0.123456789, 0.1234567, 1e-7);
    assert_approx_eq!(0.123456789, 0.123456, 1e-6);
    assert_approx_eq!(0.123456789, 0.12345, 1e-5);
    assert_approx_eq!(0.123456789, 0.1234, 1e-4);

Check a vector of float point numbers

use russell_chk::*;

fn main() {
    let a = [0.123456789, 0.123456789, 0.123456789];
    let b = [0.12345678,  0.1234567,   0.123456];
    assert_vec_approx_eq!(&a, &b, 1e-6);

Check derivatives

use russell_chk::*;

fn main() {
  let f = |x: f64| -x;
  let at_x = 8.0;
  let dfdx_at_x = -1.01;
  assert_deriv_approx_eq!(dfdx_at_x, f, at_x, 1e-2);