ruspiro-uart 0.4.0

Simple and convinient access API to the Raspberry Pi 3 UART0 (PL011) and UART1 (miniUART) peripherals
 * Copyright (c) 2019 by the authors
 * Author: André Borrmann
 * License: MIT / Apache License 2.0

//! # Low-Level Uart0 interface implementation

use ruspiro_gpio::GPIO;
use ruspiro_mmio_register::define_mmio_register;
use ruspiro_register::RegisterFieldValue;
use ruspiro_timer as timer;

use crate::UartResult;

// Peripheral MMIO base address - depends on the right feature
#[cfg(feature = "ruspiro_pi3")]
const PERIPHERAL_BASE: usize = 0x3F00_0000;

// UART0 MMIO base address
const UART0_BASE: usize = PERIPHERAL_BASE + 0x0020_1000;

/// Initialize the Uart0 based on the given core rate and baud rate.
/// For the time beeing the Uart0 will be bridged to the Raspberry Pi
/// bluetooth chip.
/// TODO: enable the GPIO pins to be used to be passed from outside
///       Is there a way to do some compile time checks, that only valid pins
///       are passed?
pub(crate) fn init(clock_rate: u32, baud_rate: u32) -> UartResult<()> {
    GPIO.with_mut(|gpio| {
        let _ = gpio.get_pin(32).map(|pin| pin.into_alt_f3());
        let _ = gpio.get_pin(33).map(|pin| pin.into_alt_f3());
    .map(|_| {
        let baud16: u32 = baud_rate * 16;
        let int_div: u32 = clock_rate / baud16;
        let frac_div2 = (clock_rate % baud16) * 8 / baud_rate;
        let frac_div = (frac_div2 / 2) + (frac_div2 % 2);

        // configure UART0
        UART0_IFLS::Register.write(UART0_IFLS::RXIFSEL, Ifsel::Filled_1_8 as u32);
            RegisterFieldValue::<u32>::new(UART0_LCRH::WLEN, Wlen::DataLen8 as u32)
                | RegisterFieldValue::<u32>::new(UART0_LCRH::FEN, 0x1),
            RegisterFieldValue::<u32>::new(UART0_CR::UART_EN, 0x1)
                | RegisterFieldValue::<u32>::new(UART0_CR::TXE, 0x1)
                | RegisterFieldValue::<u32>::new(UART0_CR::RXE, 0x1),

            RegisterFieldValue::<u32>::new(UART0_IMSC::INT_RX, 0x1)
                | RegisterFieldValue::<u32>::new(UART0_IMSC::INT_RT, 0x1)
                | RegisterFieldValue::<u32>::new(UART0_IMSC::INT_OE, 0x1),
        // UART0 is now ready to be used

pub(crate) fn release() {
    GPIO.with_mut(|gpio| {

pub(crate) fn write_byte(data: u8) {
    // wait until Uart0 is ready to accept writes
    while == 1 {
    UART0_DR::Register.set(data as u32);

pub(crate) fn read_byte() -> Option<u8> {
    while == 1 {
    Some((UART0_DR::Register.get() & 0xFF) as u8)

#[allow(dead_code, non_camel_case_types, clippy::enum_variant_names)]
enum Ifsel {
    Filled_1_8 = 0,
    Filled_1_4 = 1,
    Filled_1_2 = 2,
    Filled_3_4 = 3,
    Filled_7_8 = 4,

enum Wlen {
    DataLen8 = 3,
    DataLen7 = 2,
    DataLen6 = 1,
    DataLen5 = 0,

    UART0_DR<ReadWrite<u32>@(UART0_BASE + 0x00)>,
    UART0_RSRECR<ReadWrite<u32>@(UART0_BASE + 0x04)>,
    UART0_FR<ReadWrite<u32>@(UART0_BASE + 0x18)> {
        TXFE    OFFSET(7),
        RXFF    OFFSET(6),
        TXFF    OFFSET(5),
        RXFE    OFFSET(4),
        BUSY    OFFSET(3)
    UART0_IBRD<ReadWrite<u32>@(UART0_BASE + 0x24)>,
    UART0_FBRD<ReadWrite<u32>@(UART0_BASE + 0x28)>,
    UART0_LCRH<ReadWrite<u32>@(UART0_BASE + 0x2C)> {
        SPS     OFFSET(7),
        WLEN    OFFSET(5) BITS(2),
        FEN     OFFSET(4),
        STP2    OFFSET(3),
        EPS     OFFSET(2),
        PEN     OFFSET(1),
        BRK     OFFSET(0)
    UART0_CR<ReadWrite<u32>@(UART0_BASE + 0x30)> {
        CTSEN   OFFSET(15),
        RTSEN   OFFSET(14),
        OUT2    OFFSET(13),
        OUT1    OFFSET(12),
        RTS     OFFSET(11),
        DTR     OFFSET(10),
        RXE     OFFSET(9),
        TXE     OFFSET(8),
        LBE     OFFSET(7),
        UART_EN OFFSET(0)
    UART0_IFLS<ReadWrite<u32>@(UART0_BASE + 0x34)> {
        RXIFSEL OFFSET(3) BITS(3),
    UART0_IMSC<ReadWrite<u32>@(UART0_BASE + 0x38)> {
        INT_OE      OFFSET(10), // Overrun error
        INT_BE      OFFSET(9),
        INT_PE      OFFSET(8),
        INT_FE      OFFSET(7),
        INT_RT      OFFSET(6), // receive timeout means: FIFO is not empty and no more data is received during a 32bit period
        INT_TX      OFFSET(5), // transit FiFo reached water mark
        INT_RX      OFFSET(4), // receive FiFo reached water mark
        INT_DSRM    OFFSET(3),
        INT_DCDM    OFFSET(2),
        INT_CTSM    OFFSET(1)
    UART0_RIS<ReadWrite<u32>@(UART0_BASE + 0x3C)>,
    UART0_MIS<ReadWrite<u32>@(UART0_BASE + 0x40)>,
    UART0_ICR<ReadWrite<u32>@(UART0_BASE + 0x44)>