ruspiro-timer 0.6.0

This crates provides simple timing functions to pause the current processing for a specific amount of time. The core pausing is called on will block.
# cargo make tasks to build the example for the Raspberry Pi

# AARCH64 specific profile environment varialbles
CC = "aarch64-none-elf-gcc"
AR = "aarch64-none-elf-ar"
CFLAGS = "-march=armv8-a -Wall -O3 -nostdlib -nostartfiles -ffreestanding -mtune=cortex-a53"
RUSTFLAGS = "-C linker=${CC} -C target-cpu=cortex-a53 -C link-arg=-nostartfiles -C link-arg=-T./link64.ld"

# AARCH64 specific Travis CI env. variables. "aarch64-none-elf" is not available there as it seems
CC = "aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc"
AR = "aarch64-linux-gnu-ar"
CFLAGS = "-march=armv8-a -Wall -O3 -nostdlib -nostartfiles -ffreestanding -mtune=cortex-a53"
RUSTFLAGS = "-C linker=${CC} -C target-cpu=cortex-a53 -C link-arg=-nostartfiles -C link-arg=-T./link64.ld"

command = "cargo"
args = ["build", "--release", "--features", "${FEATURES}"]

env = { FEATURES = "pi3" }
command = "cargo"
args = ["clippy", "--features", "${FEATURES}"]

env = { FEATURES = "pi3" }
command = "cargo"
args = ["doc", "--features", "${FEATURES}", "--open"]

command = "cargo"
args = ["clean"]

env = { FEATURES = "pi3" }
command = "cargo"
args = ["publish", "--dry-run", "--features", "${FEATURES}"]

env = { FEATURES = "pi3" }
command = "cargo"
args = ["publish", "--token", "${CRATES_TOKEN}", "--allow-dirty", "--features", "${FEATURES}"]