ruspiro-register 0.5.5

The crate provides the definitions to conviniently work with register field values that are typically presented by a set of bit fields.
 * Copyright (c) 2019 by the authors
 * Author: André Borrmann <>
 * License: Apache License 2.0 / MIT
#![doc(html_root_url = "")]

//! # RusPiRo Register
//! The crate provides the definitions to conviniently work with register field values that are typically presented by
//! a set of bit fields. This crate will likely be used in other crates that specifies the actual registers and their
//! structure using macros. Examples can be found at
//! [ruspiro-mmio-register]( and
//! [ruspiro-arch-aarch64](

use core::cmp::PartialEq;
use core::fmt;
use core::ops::{BitAnd, BitOr, Not, Shl, Shr};

mod macros;

/// This trait is used to describe the register size/length as type specifier. The trait is only implemented for the
/// internal types **u8**, **u16**, **u32** and **u64** to ensure safe register access sizes with compile time checking
pub trait RegisterType:
  + Clone
  + PartialEq
  + BitOr<Output = Self>
  + BitAnd<Output = Self>
  + Not<Output = Self>
  + Shl<Self, Output = Self>
  + Shr<Self, Output = Self>

// Internal macro to ease the assignment of the custom trait to supported register sizes
macro_rules! registertype_impl {
    // invoke the macro for a given type t as often as types are provided when invoking the macro
    ($( $t:ty ),*) => ($(
        impl RegisterType for $t { }

// implement the type trait for specific unsigned types to enable only those register types/sizes
registertype_impl![u8, u16, u32, u64];

/// Definition of a field contained inside of a register. Each field is defined by a mask and the bit shift value
/// when constructing the field definition the stored mask is already shifted by the shift value
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct RegisterField<T: RegisterType> {
  mask: T,
  shift: T,

/// Definition of a specific fieldvalue of a regiser. This structure allows to combine field values with bit operators
/// like ``|`` and ``&`` to build the final value that should be written to a register
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct RegisterFieldValue<T: RegisterType> {
  /// register field definition
  field: RegisterField<T>,
  /// register field value
  value: T,

// Internal helper macro to implement:
// - ``RegisterField``struct for all relevant basic types
// - ``FieldValue`` struct for all relevant basic types
// - the operators for ``FieldValue``struct for all relevant basic types
macro_rules! registerfield_impl {
    ($($t:ty),*) => ($(
        impl RegisterField<$t> {
            /// Create a new register field definition with the mask and the shift offset for this
            /// mask. The offset is the bit offset this field begins.
            pub const fn new(mask: $t, shift: $t) -> RegisterField<$t> {
                Self {

            /// retrieve the current mask of the field shifted to its correct position
            pub fn mask(&self) -> $t {
                self.mask.checked_shl(self.shift as u32).unwrap_or(0)

            /// retrieve the current shift of the field
            pub fn shift(&self) -> $t {

        impl fmt::Debug for RegisterField<$t> {
            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
                let mut high_bit = self.shift;
                let mut mask = self.mask;
                while mask > 0 {
                    high_bit += 1;
                    mask >>= 1;
                high_bit -= 1;
                write!(f, "RegisterField {{\n    Bits: [{}:{}]\n    Mask: {:#b}\n}}",
                    high_bit, self.shift, self.mask.checked_shl(self.shift as u32).unwrap_or(0))

        impl RegisterFieldValue<$t> {
            /// Create a new fieldvalue based on the field definition and the value given
            pub const fn new(field: RegisterField<$t>, value: $t) -> Self {
                RegisterFieldValue {
                    value: value & field.mask

            /// Create a new fieldvalue based on the field definition and the raw value given
            pub const fn from_raw(field: RegisterField<$t>, raw_value: $t) -> Self {
                RegisterFieldValue {
                    value: (raw_value >> field.shift) & field.mask

            /// Retrieve the register field value
            pub fn value(&self) -> $t {
                self.value //>> self.field.shift()

            /// Retrieve the register field raw value, means the value is returned in it's position
            /// as it appears in the register when read with the field mask applied but not
            /// shifted
            pub fn raw_value(&self) -> $t {
                self.value.checked_shl(self.field.shift as u32).unwrap_or(0)

            /// Retrieve the field mask used with this register field. The mask is shifted to it's
            /// corresponding field position
            pub fn mask(&self) -> $t {

        impl fmt::Debug for RegisterFieldValue<$t> {
            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
                 .field("field", &self.field)
                 .field("value", &self.value)
                 .field("raw_value", &self.raw_value())

        impl PartialEq for RegisterFieldValue<$t> {
            fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
                self.value() == other.value()

        impl BitOr for RegisterFieldValue<$t> {
            type Output = RegisterFieldValue<$t>;

            fn bitor(self, rhs: RegisterFieldValue<$t>) -> Self {
                let field = RegisterField::<$t>::new( self.field.mask() | rhs.field.mask(), 0);
                RegisterFieldValue {
                    value: (self.raw_value() | rhs.raw_value()),

        impl BitAnd for RegisterFieldValue<$t> {
            type Output = RegisterFieldValue<$t>;
            fn bitand(self, rhs: RegisterFieldValue<$t>) -> Self {
                let field = RegisterField::<$t>::new( self.field.mask() & rhs.field.mask(), 0);
                RegisterFieldValue {
                    value: (self.raw_value() & rhs.raw_value()),

registerfield_impl![u8, u16, u32, u64];