ruspiro-register 0.3.1

The crate provides simple to use macros to define MMIO registers representations allowing safe access to their contents. In addition this crate defines specific aarch64 and aarch32(CP15) registers to safely use them in rust code. This reduces the need of 'unsafe' calls.

name = "ruspiro-register"

authors = ["André Borrmann <>"]

version = "0.3.1" # remember to update html_root_url

description = """
The crate provides simple to use macros to define MMIO registers representations allowing safe access to their contents.
In addition this crate defines specific aarch64 and aarch32(CP15) registers to safely use them in rust code. This
reduces the need of 'unsafe' calls.

license = "Apache-2.0"

repository = ""

documentation = ""

readme = ""

keywords = ["RusPiRo", "register", "raspberrypi", "baremetal", "mmio"]

categories = ["no-std", "embedded"]

edition = "2018"


travis-ci = { repository = "RusPiRo/ruspiro-register", branch = "master" }

maintenance = { status = "actively-developed" }


