ruspiro-gpio 0.0.2

This crates provides a GPIO peripheral abstraction of the Raspberry Pi

RusPiRo GPIO access abstraction for Raspberry Pi

This crate provide as simple to use and safe abstraction of the GPIO's available on the Raspberry Pi 3. The GPIO configuration requires access to MMIO registers with a specific memory base address. As this might differ between different models the right address is choosen based on the given target_family while compiling. The value needed for a Raspberry Pi 3 is ruspiro-pi3.


To use the crate just add the following dependency to your Cargo.toml file:

ruspiro-gpio = "0.0.2"

Once done the access to the GPIO abstraction is available in your rust files like so:

use ruspiro_gpio::GPIO;

fn demo() {
    // "grab" the GPIO in a safe way and use the provided closure to work with it
    // as long as the closure is executed, no other core can access the GPIO to configure pins etc.
    GPIO.take_for(|gpio| {
        // retrieving a pin gives a Result<>. If the pin is not already taken it returns an Ok()
        // with the pin.
        if let Ok(pin) = gpio.get_pin(17) {
            // as we have now access to the pin, configure it as output and set it to high
            // to lit a connected LED


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